Heal Alejandro, Hurt Leshawna.
Owen: 14
Izzy: 24
Gwen: 22
Cody: 20
Noah: 22
LeShawna: 18
Harold: 22
Lindsay: 24
Tyler: 22
Duncan: 18
Courtney: 22
Heather: 20
Ezekiel: 18
DJ: 14
Bridgette: 22
Sierra: 20
Alejandro: 18
Heal Tyler, Hurt Duncan.
Owen: 12 Izzy: 24 Gwen: 22 Cody: 20 Noah: 24 LeShawna: 18 Harold: 24 Lindsay: 24 Tyler: 24 Duncan: 16 Courtney: 20 Heather: 20 Ezekiel: 18 DJ: 14 Bridgette: 22 Sierra: 20 Alejandro: 18
Heal Bridgette, Hurt Lindsay
Owen: 12 Izzy: 24 Gwen: 22 Cody: 20 Noah: 24 LeShawna: 18 Harold: 24 Lindsay: 22 Tyler: 24 Duncan: 16 Courtney: 20 Heather: 20 Ezekiel: 18 DJ: 14 Bridgette: 24 Sierra: 20 Alejandro: 18
Heal Bridgette
Hurt Owen
Owen: 9 Izzy: 24 Gwen: 22 Cody: 20 Noah: 24 LeShawna: 18 Harold: 26 Lindsay: 26 Tyler: 24 Duncan: 12 Courtney: 20 Heather: 20 Ezekiel: 18 DJ: 14 Bridgette: 25 Sierra: 20 Alejandro: 18
Whoa there, The Cartoon! We're only supposed to go once a day. You went about 6 hours ago. Your last post doesn't count.
As for DC Dude's post it should be:
Heal Bridgette Hurt Owen
Owen: 8 Izzy: 24 Gwen: 22 Cody: 20 Noah: 24 LeShawna: 18 Harold: 26 Lindsay: 26 Tyler: 24 Duncan: 12 Courtney: 20 Heather: 20 Ezekiel: 18 DJ: 14 Bridgette: 26 Sierra: 20 Alejandro: 18
hopefully I did it right.
So next person to go needs go off of this.