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Total Drama Action How Would You Have Eliminated Them?

  • Avatar of littlekid172


    [1]May 9, 2009
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    I know someone has already done this but For Season one not Season 2 If someone has already done this then I'm sorry I didn't know.

    Heres Mine











    11 .Duncan

    12. Heather

    13. Trent

    (Trent V.S Gwen ? interesting)

    GWEN IS THE WINNER (trent lets gwen win and gwen decided to split the money with Trent)

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  • Avatar of DC-Dude


    [2]May 10, 2009
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    1. Leshawna

    2. Trent

    3. Owen

    4. Heather

    5. DJ

    6. Geoff

    7. Izzy

    8. Beth

    9. Duncan

    10. Lindsay

    11. Courtney

    12. Gwen

    13. Harold

    14. Justin


    Edited on 07/25/2009 4:23am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of tigerty101


    [3]May 10, 2009
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    15. Geoff (to see how Bridgette does without him)

    14. Owen

    13. Izzy

    12. DJ

    11. Lindsay

    10. Gwen (see how Trent does without Gwen)

    *Courtney Returns*

    9. Courtney

    8. Leshawna

    7. Beth

    6. Trent

    5. Duncan

    4. Heather

    3. Justin

    2. Harold

    1. Bridgette wins

    Mostly based on my favorites. When the season's done I'll do a different one with good reasons behind their eliminations.

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  • Avatar of TDIrocks61294


    [4]Jun 13, 2009
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    1. Trent

    2. Leshawna

    3. Beth

    4. Owen

    5. Heather

    6. Geoff

    7. Lindsay

    8. Bridgette

    9. Justin

    10. Gwen

    11. DJ

    12. Harold

    13. Izzy

    Winner- Duncan!

    Edited on 06/27/2009 5:35pm
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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [5]Jun 13, 2009
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    tigerty101 wrote:

    15. Geoff (to see how Bridgette does without him)

    14. Owen

    13. Izzy

    12. DJ

    11. Lindsay

    10. Gwen (see how Trent does without Gwen)

    *Courtney Returns*

    9. Courtney

    8. Leshawna

    7. Beth

    6. Trent

    5. Duncan

    4. Heather

    3. Justin

    2. Harold

    1. Bridgette wins

    Mostly based on my favorites. When the season's done I'll do a different one with good reasons behind their eliminations.

    wow you really hate courtney lol
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  • Avatar of tigerty101


    [6]Jun 14, 2009
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    CrystalCoconut wrote:
    tigerty101 wrote:

    15. Geoff (to see how Bridgette does without him)

    14. Owen

    13. Izzy

    12. DJ

    11. Lindsay

    10. Gwen (see how Trent does without Gwen)

    *Courtney Returns*

    9. Courtney

    8. Leshawna

    7. Beth

    6. Trent

    5. Duncan

    4. Heather

    3. Justin

    2. Harold

    1. Bridgette wins

    Mostly based on my favorites. When the season's done I'll do a different one with good reasons behind their eliminations.

    wow you really hate courtney lol

    Actually, I changed my mind on that in a different "TDA elimination order" topic. Now I'd rather see Courtney take 4th, 3rd, or 2nd place.

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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [7]Jun 16, 2009
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    tigerty101 wrote:
    CrystalCoconut wrote:
    tigerty101 wrote:

    15. Geoff (to see how Bridgette does without him)

    14. Owen

    13. Izzy

    12. DJ

    11. Lindsay

    10. Gwen (see how Trent does without Gwen)

    *Courtney Returns*

    9. Courtney

    8. Leshawna

    7. Beth

    6. Trent

    5. Duncan

    4. Heather

    3. Justin

    2. Harold

    1. Bridgette wins

    Mostly based on my favorites. When the season's done I'll do a different one with good reasons behind their eliminations.

    wow you really hate courtney lol

    Actually, I changed my mind on that in a different "TDA elimination order" topic. Now I'd rather see Courtney take 4th, 3rd, or 2nd place.

    why the huge change?
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  • Avatar of tigerty101


    [8]Jun 16, 2009
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    CrystalCoconut wrote:
    tigerty101 wrote:

    Actually, I changed my mind on that in a different "TDA elimination order" topic. Now I'd rather see Courtney take 4th, 3rd, or 2nd place.

    0.o why the huge change?

    I'd rather see her get her hopes up for winning and then get eliminated in the last few challenges.
    My new TDA elimination table:

    1.Lindsay (Double elimination)
    2. Owen (Double elimination)
    3. Geoff
    4. Leshawna
    5. DJ
    6. Izzy
    (Courtney returns)
    7. Gwen
    8. Heather
    9. Beth
    10. Duncan
    11. Trent
    12. Bridgette OR 12. Harold
    13. Justin 13. Courtney
    14. Courtney 14. Justin
    15. Harold (winner) 15. Bridgette (winner)

    (couldn't decide on who I wanted to win more, Bridgette or Harold, so I made 2 versions for the final 4)

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  • Avatar of NejiShikamaru


    [9]Jun 17, 2009
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    19. Beth (Double Elimination)
    18. Lindsay (Double Elimination)
    17. Izzy (E-Scope)
    16. DJ (Quits)
    15. LeShawna
    14. Izzy (Explosivo)
    *Courtney Returns*
    13. Gwen (Courtney's revenge)
    12. Izzy (E-Squire)
    11. Owen
    10. Heather
    *Three Return (I'd like that to happen again, Izzy, LeShawna, and Trent)*
    9. Izzy (As herself)
    8. Geoff
    7. LeShawna
    6. Harold
    5. Trent
    4. Justin
    3. Courtney
    2. Bridgette
    Winner: Duncan

    If Cody does come back, then he'd be 3rd for me, and bumps the rest down a spot.
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  • Avatar of TDAOzzyfan


    [10]Jun 27, 2009
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    Lindsay(Her and Beth were more than Geoff and Bridgette)
    Beth-(See Lindsay)

    Duncan,Gwen,Bridgette,Geoff,DJ and Trent-Screaming Gaffers
    Harold,Leshawna,Heather,Owen,Izzy and Justin-Killer Grips

    9.Trent Courtney,Izzy and Owen returns
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  • Avatar of imverybasic


    [11]Jun 28, 2009
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    1. Leshawna

    2. Gwen

    3. Izzy (I've grown tired of her returning, not to offend any Izzy fans)

    4. Beth (even though I want her to win, if there was a third season, I'd want her to go early)

    5. Lindsay

    6. Heather

    7. Bridgette

    8. Owen

    *Courtney returns*

    9. Courtney

    10. Harold

    11. DJ

    12. Geoff (Good point. What could he do without Bridgette?)

    13. Justin

    14. Trent

    15. Duncan

    Did I miss anyone? Let me know, so I could add them in somewhere. Nevermind, I got it.

    Edited on 06/28/2009 10:56am
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  • Avatar of R2szoo2


    [12]Jul 1, 2009
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    I really just wanted Bridgette to win when I heard about TDA, because I was so sad when she lost TDI.... and then she got eliminated first episode. FML

    With the people who are left:

    8. Harold

    7. Beth

    6. Justin

    5. Heather

    4. LeShawna

    3. Lindsey

    2. Courtney

    1. Duncan

    Courtney in the end chooses Duncan over winning and puts her competitive nature aside. YAAAAAY character development!

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  • Avatar of CrystalCoconut


    [13]Jul 3, 2009
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    1. Beth (Double Elimination)
    2. Lindsey (Double Elimination)
    3. Heather (She was being herself)
    4. Trent (Yay For Drama!!!!)
    6. Gwen (Nothing more to see here ppls!)
    *Courtney returns*
    7. E-Scope
    8. LeShawna
    9. Explosivo
    10. Owen
    11. Esquire
    10. Izzy
    11. Harold
    12. DJ 13. Geoff
    14. Bridgette
    15. Duncan
    *Bridgette and DJ come Back*
    16. Courtney
    Either winner would work 4 me
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  • Avatar of Runner555


    [14]Jul 3, 2009
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    This is how they got eliminated

    15 and 14- Geoff and Bridgette cause they were more with each other than the game

    13- Trent Gwen dumped him and his team thought he would go crazy if he stayed longer

    12- DJ the grips heard about the secret alliance with Chef and figured why they kept on losing and figured that is why they kept on losing ( winning team picked somone from the losing team to go home)

    Courtney is back

    11- Izzy when all of alto egos were gone she left cause she got bored of the game

    10- Owen cause his team thought he may win the game again


    9- Gwen cause Courtney thought she was flirting with Duncan

    8- LeShawna because Heather did a Harold from TDI

    7- Heather because the players who didn't make TDA voted her off

    6- Courtney because she saw that Harold voted for her and she got caught so she was eliminated 2nd time she lost from Harold

    5- Duncan All of the TDA eliminated players picked him

    4- Justin Cause his powers were done for Lindsey and Beth

    3- Harold Lindsey and Beth voted him off

    2- Beth Lost to Lindsey in the final challenge

    1- Lindsey won because she saw Tyler at the finish line and dashed to him just like in TDI when Owen saw the Brownies

    So Lindsey won so another dumb person won

    Edited on 07/03/2009 10:38pm
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  • Avatar of radicalm18


    [15]Jul 24, 2009
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    Just to let you know, this isn't based on favorites, this is based on what I think would be most interesting:

    1.Beth and LeShawna (Geoff would be on the Grips, Bridgette on the Gaffers)












    13.Duncan WINS!

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  • Avatar of 4EverGreen


    [16]Jul 25, 2009
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    Here's my tentative list, starting at the beginning until the final challenge, whatever that ends up being.

    1. (Double Elimination) Geoff and Heather (Bridgette decided Duncan was right and she needed to focus on the game, and everyone else voted Heather off simply because they didn't want to deal with HER drama again!)

    2. D.J. (Turned down Chef's alliance instead of Izzy/E-Scope, so Chef gave the challenge to the Killer Grips.) 3. Izzy/E-Scope (The second challenge wasn't ruined by Owen, and with Izzy's terrible aim and crazyness, she proved to be more detrimental to the Killer Grips then Trent.) 4. Gwen (Although Trent was still in the game, Gwen felt it was her fault that Trent was acting so crazy. Rather than admit the truth to Trent, she votes herself off to see if it will bring Trent back to sanity; no other changes.) 5. Izzy returns, Lindsey is voted off for being too bossy. 6. Trent (Justin felt threatened by Trent's renewed vigor in the TDA challenges, and with his charm, convinced Owen, Beth, and Izzy to vote Trent off.) 7. Courtney returns, Izzy votes herself off because she doesn't want to see Owen get eliminated. 8. Team Merge, Owen is voted off because the campers don't want him to win again. 9. Harold (Duncan gave Harold a taste of his own medicine by rigging the machines to vote Harold off similar to the way Harold voted Courtney off in TDI.) 10. Duncan (LaShawna found out about Duncan's stunt, and threatens to send Duncan back to juvenile hall if he doesn't vote himself off.) 11. LaShawna (Justin, Beth, Bridgette, and Courtney voted her off for being too domineering towards the rest of them.) 12. Mr. Coconut II (A stranded island movie spoof, Justin goes crazy from a lack of beauty make-up products and creates the 'son' of the original Mr. Coconut, who is voted off in order to snap Justin back to reality!) 13. Courtney (Justin sabotages Courtney in the challenge, Beth finally realizes that Justin is evil and breaks up her alliance with him.) 14. Justin (In a magical duel movie challenge, Bridgette and Beth worked together to get Justin off. A hot gas explosion from a pyrotechnic effect slightly disfigures Justin's face, and Justin quits the game in shame and disgrace.) 15. Bridgette Vs. Beth; in a race movie challenge, Cody bakes some brownies to give Beth some incentive. Beth speeds past Bridgette and crosses the finish line. Resulting in: Bridgette loses (but her relationship with Geoff is stronger than ever!) Beth wins (another one for the underdogs!) Enough said!

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  • Avatar of britandude999


    [17]Jul 25, 2009
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    16. Heather
    15. Leshawna
    14. Harold
    13. Geoff
    12. Bridgette
    11. E-Scope
    10. Justin
    9. Beth
    8. DJ
    *Courtney and Cody return*
    7. Cody
    6. Courtney
    5. Gwen
    4. Owen
    3. Trent
    2. Well, I gotta think about it.
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  • Avatar of ZXY27


    [18]Jul 29, 2009
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    1. Leshawna/Harold (Geoff and Bridgette would take their places on the Screaming Gaffers)
    2. Izzy
    3. Owen
    4. Geoff (Izzy Returns)
    5. Heather
    6. Lindsay
    Courtney Returns
    7. Izzy
    8. Duncan
    9. Beth
    Teams Dissolve
    10. Gwen
    11. DJ
    12. Courtney
    13. Justin
    14. Bridgette
    15. Trent
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  • Avatar of alagaesian


    [19]Jul 29, 2009
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    Geoff and Bridgette (double elimination)
    E-Scope (Riot on Set)
    Trent (3:10 to Crazytown)
    (Izzy returns)
    Owen (Justin gets annoyed with his...gushing, I guess...in The Chefshank Redemption, and Gwen doesn't damage her team enough to throw the challenge)
    Gwen (Full Metal Drama, except Gwen throws the challenge)
    DJ (Insert The Sandwich Project here)
    (Courtney returns)
    Izzy (Izzy's psychotics annoy Courtney and cause them to lose Ocean's Eight or Nine) LeShawna (makes Heather cry, everyone hates her)
    Heather (no friends, except Harold, whom she wishes good luck)
    Duncan (a threat, Courtney breaks up with him)
    Lindsay (breaks free of Justin, he prunes the alliance, so to speak)
    Courtney (TOO INSANE, she's been abusing Harold)
    Justin (Beth realizes his true nature)
    Harold (runner-up, but winner in some obscure languages)
    Beth (winner, but runner-up in some obscure languages)
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