whos cuter katie or sadie
that ones hard The cofessionals
Go out with Trent or Bridgette (If you are a boy) or Go out with Duncan or Gwen (If you are a boy)
Partner with Tyler
Paintball or Surfing?
Duncan or Cody
I'm a guy, so Gwen!Eating Chef's food or smelling one of Owen's Farts?
i like life so,freshly peed pants
eat chocolate covered heathers or see gwen with a different hairdo (got lazi)
gettin sat on by Eva or Owen lol
I wanna live so Eva
Be Izzy for a day or Be Owen for a day
Fight with Chef Izzy kick his arse.
Will you scream like a girl if you see Heather in a mud mask or will you fight her because you think she is the criminal with a hook and chainsaw?
Fight her because she's a criminal.
Gwen X Trent or Bridgette X Geoff?