I'm a girl so Owen
Same Q
At least Beth is a girl!
Hookup with Gwen or Trent but be forced to pay $100 every date or Hookup with Beth or Cody and receive $100 per date?
DJ. He won't tie the firebomb to me and toss me in just to please the leprechaun who told her to BURN EM ALL!
My question two posts up but now Beth or Cody pays $50. Just to clarify I said OR not BOTH or AND. You get to choose BOOLEAN OPERATORS PEOPLE!
Heather. Easy, probably. Izzy would go Lorena Bobbit on anyone who got near her.
Be forced to watch Katie and Sadie reenact 2girls1cup or be forced to star in a gay porn movie with Justin or Gwen (dirty, I know)
Same Q except you'll star with Owen or Eva
Ok will clean up and restart.
Would you rather defuse a bomb under pressure or be buried alive for an hour?
Buried alive for one hour
Tyler/Lindsay or Owen/Izzy?
That's not a question but i'll say Beth/Cody
Izzy with a knife or Izzy with a flamethrower?
knife, she has really bad aim
Heather kiss your boyfriend/ justin kiss your girlfriend or go on a date with Harold/Beth.
Go on a date with Beth
Ezekiel or Eva?
Eva, that was a dichotomy, you like girls or you like boys.
Have Gwen or Trent be your best friends girl/boyfriend or date Eva/Ezekiel
Have Gwen and Trent as my friends
Jump off 1000 foot cliff or chicken out and lets your friends down
Have Gwen or Trent be your best friends [sic] girl/boyfriend or date Eva/Ezekiel
Sorry the correct version of that sentence with proper punctuation is:
Have Gwen or Trent be your best friend's girl/boyfriend or date Eva or Ezekiel?
Dolphin Dogs mostly cuz I don't know what it is
Be voted off the island or have the RCMP chase you off?