farting all the time like Owen. EEWWW!!!
What's worse? Dating Izzy and being worried about her going psycho on you or Dating Heather and being bossed, nagged, griped at, etc. all the time?
Dating Izzy. Least I'll be alive tomorrow with Heather
Passing out after eating fugu or drinking blended cockroaches.
Fugu handsdown
Same Q
Be a girl and listen to Ezekiel's sexist comments all day or do what Heather tells you to do all day?
Do what heather tells you to do all day. Ezekiel is much worst that Heather to me.
What's more embarrasing? Wearing a thong like Harold or Showing your boobs like Heather?
Showing my Breasts
thong.(i'm a guy)
same Q
Thong, that's weird
Wake up naked in front of everyone or watch someone wake up naked in front of you?
Wake up naked
Win TDI and not have a boy/girlfriend or lose TDI but have a boy/girlfriend?
Win w/o girlfriend.
win w/o girlfriend. I have no trouble with the ladies.
Eat Chef's Cooking or Eat Fugu Sashimi made by Lindsay?
Chef's cooking. I'm sorry, Trent looked like it was really painful.
Eat bull testicles or eat the ribs Owen left behing?
Chef's cooking. I like not dying thank you.
Have Gwen win in US or keep original ending?
Both ok get hit on by Duncan. Geoff isn't that good. But I still think he hot for a cartoon character.
Get attacked by a crocodile or kiss Heather
Get attacked by a crocodile.
Be friends with Harold or Beth?