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The "What if" game

  • Avatar of swimboydude


    [1]Nov 7, 2010
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    This is a game where you talk about events that happened in Total Drama and what would happen if these events played out differently. For example:

    What if Harold won the challenge in X- Treme Torture?

    Bass and Gophers go into merge 5-5. Trent is eliminated.

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  • Avatar of Ilovemiley300


    [2]Nov 7, 2010
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    what if owen was on team victory and was eliminated the same time as izzy
    instead of dj
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  • Avatar of Ilovemiley300


    [3]Nov 7, 2010
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    swimboydude wrote:

    This is a game where you talk about events that happened in Total Drama and what would happen if these events played out differently. For example:

    What if Harold won the challenge in X- Treme Torture?

    Bass and Gophers go into merge 5-5. Trent is eliminated.

    1)I think heather would have been eliminated if harold had won
    trent,gwen,owen and leshawna would have conspired against her
    2)I think heather would have no pawer in search and do not destroy
    since she kissed trent or maybe she spikes leshawna by kissing harold
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  • Avatar of stephdumas


    [4]Nov 8, 2010
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    swimboydude wrote:

    This is a game where you talk about events that happened in Total Drama and what would happen if these events played out differently. For example:

    What if Harold won the challenge in X- Treme Torture?

    Bass and Gophers go into merge 5-5. Trent is eliminated.

    Interesting possibility, another possibility is Heather menage to convince the other to vote off... Lindsay!

    More "what if" on the table

    Or what if Geoff, Duncan, DJ and Bridgette discovered during that episode then Harold switched the votes? Could they lose by purpose to get Harold eleminated? Or they win, Harold menaged to hold on until the merge, then all the bets are off.

    Then what if Harold switched the vote to get Duncan voted off instead of Courtney?

    What if Harold was part of the Screaming Gophers instead of the Killer Bass? In the same team with Gwen, LeShawna, Trent, Owen, Heather. If it was the case, Justin or Izzy would had been member of the Killer Bass (althought Izzy was a original member until she switched with Katie).

    What if Sierra and Alejandro was also on season 1?

    And of course, what if Ezekiel didn't said any sexist comments?

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  • Avatar of TVdude3895


    [5]Nov 8, 2010
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    1. The Killer Bass would beat up Harold then lose the next challenge, letting Harold be eliminated.

    2. Same=Killer bass is confused, Courtney would win for both of them. The next episode, Courtney drives instead of Duncan. Lindsay would win and Harold would be eliminated.

    3. Justin would be on the Killer Bass then. Harold would be closer to Leshawna and away from Duncan more. Heather would tell Chris about Justin instead of Eva in episode 3. The Screaming Gophers would win in episode 4 and Tyler would be eliminated. Bridgette would get eliminated in Episode 7. In episode 8, Screaming Gophers: Owen and Heather, Gwen and Cody, Trent Lindsay and Beth, Noah and Harold, Izzy and Leshawna. Harold wouldinform him with his facts, while Noah would be annoyed. Killer Bass: DJ and Geoff, Duncan and Geoff, Courtney and Justin. Courtney would fall for Justin as Duncan flirts with Sadie. Izzy would be voted off. Episode 9, Hunters: Owen, Lindsay, Beth, Leshawna, Harold/ Geoff, Justin, Sadie. Deers:Heather, Gwen, Cody, Trent, Noah/ DJ, Courtney, Duncan. The Killer Bass wins andHeather is eliminated (Plottwist: Noah is gonna be the new Antagonist andletsOwen, Cody and Harold in his alliance). Next episode, Killer Bass wins and Beth is eliminated.Episode11: Noah and Gwen vs Duncan and DJ= Duncan and DJ. Trent and Lindsay vs Geoff and Courtney= Geoff and Courtney (Trent is posioned). Owen and Leshawna vs Courtney and Sadie= Owen and Leshawna win (Courtney is injured).Harold and Cody (who's healed) vs Duncan and Justin; Harold catches Cody, but Justin drops Duncan (to look at his hands). Gwen and Leshawna beat Geoff and DJ with Sadie getting voted off. Episode 12: Gwen wins Chef's training and Justin is out. Next episode, DJ beats Trent, Leshawna beats Geoff, Harold (Lindsay) beats Courtney (Duncan) and Geoff is voted off (thanks to Duncan making DJ and Courtney). Episode 14: Boys (Cody, Owen, Trent, Noah, DJ, Duncan and Harold) vs Girls (Gwen, Courtney, Leshawna and Lindsay). Harold in sent to the girlsteam (to make fair and so the boys can make fun of him). The boys win the brunch of disgustingness and Chris announce that the Girls (and Harold) must vote off a camper, leading to Harold to be voted off and tells Leshawna that he loves her.

    4. Sierra wouldn't be love stuck on Cody that much, but she would still think he's cute. Alejandro would still be a dick (as usual).

    5. Courtney would have been Eliminated.

    My Question: Wouldn't Lindsay still win the challenge for her team while Harold won too? Would there be a tie-breaker? What would happen?

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  • Avatar of stephdumas


    [6]Nov 15, 2010
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    TVdude3895 wrote:

    1. The Killer Bass would beat up Harold then lose the next challenge, letting Harold be eliminated.

    2. Same=Killer bass is confused, Courtney would win for both of them. The next episode, Courtney drives instead of Duncan. Lindsay would win and Harold would be eliminated.

    3. Justin would be on the Killer Bass then. Harold would be closer to Leshawna and away from Duncan more. Heather would tell Chris about Justin instead of Eva in episode 3. The Screaming Gophers would win in episode 4 and Tyler would be eliminated. Bridgette would get eliminated in Episode 7. In episode 8, Screaming Gophers: Owen and Heather, Gwen and Cody, Trent Lindsay and Beth, Noah and Harold, Izzy and Leshawna. Harold wouldinform him with his facts, while Noah would be annoyed. Killer Bass: DJ and Geoff, Duncan and Geoff, Courtney and Justin. Courtney would fall for Justin as Duncan flirts with Sadie. Izzy would be voted off. Episode 9, Hunters: Owen, Lindsay, Beth, Leshawna, Harold/ Geoff, Justin, Sadie. Deers:Heather, Gwen, Cody, Trent, Noah/ DJ, Courtney, Duncan. The Killer Bass wins andHeather is eliminated (Plottwist: Noah is gonna be the new Antagonist andletsOwen, Cody and Harold in his alliance). Next episode, Killer Bass wins and Beth is eliminated.Episode11: Noah and Gwen vs Duncan and DJ= Duncan and DJ. Trent and Lindsay vs Geoff and Courtney= Geoff and Courtney (Trent is posioned). Owen and Leshawna vs Courtney and Sadie= Owen and Leshawna win (Courtney is injured).Harold and Cody (who's healed) vs Duncan and Justin; Harold catches Cody, but Justin drops Duncan (to look at his hands). Gwen and Leshawna beat Geoff and DJ with Sadie getting voted off. Episode 12: Gwen wins Chef's training and Justin is out. Next episode, DJ beats Trent, Leshawna beats Geoff, Harold (Lindsay) beats Courtney (Duncan) and Geoff is voted off (thanks to Duncan making DJ and Courtney). Episode 14: Boys (Cody, Owen, Trent, Noah, DJ, Duncan and Harold) vs Girls (Gwen, Courtney, Leshawna and Lindsay). Harold in sent to the girlsteam (to make fair and so the boys can make fun of him). The boys win the brunch of disgustingness and Chris announce that the Girls (and Harold) must vote off a camper, leading to Harold to be voted off and tells Leshawna that he loves her.

    4. Sierra wouldn't be love stuck on Cody that much, but she would still think he's cute. Alejandro would still be a dick (as usual).

    5. Courtney would have been Eliminated.

    My Question: Wouldn't Lindsay still win the challenge for her team while Harold won too? Would there be a tie-breaker? What would happen?

    A tie-breaker would be interesting, I guess Chris might becide then both teams vote for elemination of one contestant from any team; he could even decide to dissolve theteamor vote off an intern or decide it'll be a reward challenge. With Courtney still on the team instead of Duncan, I wonder how she could react to Eva's return in "No Pain, no Game"? Also, does the boys without Duncan could menage to do a guys alliance?

    And with Justin on the Killer bass instead of Harold, Justin might use his charm to persuade Eva, Kadie and Sadie. Justin could even be the antagonist he was originally planned in TDA. And Harold in the same team as Noah, it could develop a rivalry between genious guys.

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  • Avatar of AlexandrosMar1


    [7]Jul 3, 2012
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    1. What if Trent, Izzy, and Owen were on the Bass, whilst DJ, Harold, and Tyler were on the Screaming Gophers?

    2. What if Justin and Beth competed in TDWTinstead of Alejandro and Sierra, respectively?

    3. What if Trent found out about Duncan's kiss with Gwen in TDWT, even if Trent watches from the Aftermath Sidelines?

    4. What if Harold got revenge on Justin, Duncan, and Courtney for making him vote off LeShawna in TDA, especially after Heather was unexpectedly eliminated an elimination episode back?

    5. What if Duncan was on Team Amazon?

    Edited on 07/03/2012 4:54pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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