9th place.
How long would Gwen last if she gets a tan?
3rd place.
How long will DJ last?
2nd place.
How long would Gwen last if she dyes her hair blue with pink highlights?
The episode after that because Courtney will convince the others to vote him (Duncan) off.
How long will Eva last if she comes to the show and becomes friends with everyone?
On the 8th episode.
How long will this topic last before a moderator locks it
Until the end of the world.
How long will LeShawna last if she becomes enemies with Gwen and Harold?
Leshawna might be voted off early but not early as Ezekiel, doing 2 or 3 more episodes.
How long Harold will do if he and Noah was on the same team?
1 episode.
How long will Cody last if he forces Chris to change his (Cody's) team name?
How long will Izzy last if she makes Chris kick himself off?
5 seconds because the campers don't give him a chance.
How far will Cody go if he files a restraining order against Sierra