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TDI chataracter nicknames

  • Avatar of 80sfan1983


    [1]Jul 2, 2008
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    Give each of the characters a nickname

    The Brickhouse with A Heart -D.J.

    The Cool Dude-Trent

    The Dumb Princess-Lindsay

    The Dweeb-Harold

    The Eye Candy-Justin

    The Funny Guy-Owen

    The Geek-Beth

    The Jock-Tyler

    The Lazy -No-It-All-Noah

    The Loser-Cody (sorry Cody fans)

    The Over Achiever -Courtney

    The Party Dude-Geoff

    The Psycho-Izzy

    The Punk-Gwen

    The Queen Bee-Heather

    The Sexist Pig-Ezekiel

    The Sista With Tuedtte-LeShawna

    The Surfer Chick-Bridgette

    The Sweet Gil-Katie

    The Sweet Girl's Best Friend-Sadie

    The Tough Girl-Eva

    The Trouble Maker-Duncan

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  • Avatar of taker65


    [2]Jul 3, 2008
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    Owen: The fat guy

    Geoff: The party dude

    Bridgette: The surfer chick

    DJ: The big guy

    Duncan: The punk

    Courtney: The know-it-all

    Leshawna: The sista

    Heather: The evil one

    Harold: The John Header wannabe

    Izzy: The psycho chick

    Lindsay: The bimbo

    Noah: The dork

    Ezekiel: The home schooler

    Eva: The buff girl

    Tyler: The so called jock

    Katie and Sadie: The two best friends

    Justin: The hunk

    Beth: The nerdy girl

    Trent: The nice guy

    Gwen: The goth girl

    Cody: The little guy

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  • Avatar of NejiShikamaru


    [3]Jul 3, 2008
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    Owen: The Big Tub of Fun

    Geoff: The Party Animal

    Bridgette: The Surfer

    DJ: The Heart, Soul, and Strength

    Duncan: The Rule-Breaker

    Courtney: The Know-It-All

    Leshawna: The Girl With 'Tude

    Heather: The Conniver

    Harold: The Dweeb

    Izzy: The Psycho

    Lindsay: The Dim-Witted Darling

    Noah: The Genius

    Ezekiel: The Misguided Kid

    Eva: The Temper

    Tyler: The Jock

    Katie & Sadie: The BFFs

    Justin: The Dreamguy

    Beth: The Wannabe

    Trent: The Role Model

    Gwen: The Goth Girl

    Cody: The Little Guy
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  • Avatar of TDIfan1239


    [4]Jul 5, 2008
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    Gwen: the goth

    Ezekiel: the sexist

    Eva: the athletic physco man-woman

    Noah: the smart,lazy bum

    Cody: the geek

    Trent: the ladies man

    Owen: big FAT guy

    Justin: the HOT guy

    Lindsay: t he STUPID princess

    DJ: the strong mom- lover

    Harold: Napoleon Dynamite[GOD]

    Mr.Coconut: the coconut

    LaShawna: the big mouth

    Heather: the antagonist

    Duncan: the bad boy

    Courtney: the C.I.T

    Bridgette: the surfer

    Geoff: the party master

    Katie: best friend #1

    Sadie: best friend#2

    Tyler: the so-called athlete

    Beth:the farmer

    Izzy: the crazy girl

    Chris: the challenging host

    Chef: the grand master

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  • Avatar of TDI101


    [5]Jul 10, 2008
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    The gothic artistic- Gwen

    Sensitive Jock- DJ

    Clueless wannabe- Beth

    Cute Techno Geek- Cody

    Snobby Queen Bee- Heather

    The Insane Stalker- Izzy

    The Sexy Mute- Justin

    Street smarted Sista- LeShawna

    The Stupid Gymnast- Lindsay (Sorry)

    The Lazy Know-It-All- Noah (Sorry if someone said it.)

    Mr. Fat Alot- Owen

    The Hot Musician-Trent (To me)

    Great on Water Clumsy on Land-Bridgette (Sorry if that offended it you.)

    Control Freak-Courtney (Sorry but I like her as an Control freak.)

    The Bad A**-Duncan (Sorry but I like Bad A**.)

    The Strong Phyco-Eva

    Home-schooled freak-Ezekiel

    The life of the Party-Geoff

    Figure-skating scout-Harold

    The Heart-Katie

    The Head-Sadie

    The No So good Jock-Tyler.

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  • Avatar of foobacoligist


    [6]Jul 11, 2008
    • member since: 07/08/08
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    Gwen- the girl who's kicking the coke machine (skye sweetnam- tangled up in me)

    DJ- the big mama's boy

    Beth- the 'other' girl

    Cody- the ladie's man wannabe

    Heather- The b*t*h

    Izzy- the bad aim. (Wawanakwa gone wild!)

    Justin- the strong, silent type

    LeShawna- da sista from da hood

    Lindsay- the really hot chick who's not too bright but you don't care because she's so smokin' hot! (chris' words, not mine )

    Noah- the Cynic

    Owen- The happy- go- lucky fart machine

    Trent- Lover boy

    Bridgette- Surfer chick

    Courtney- the stick in the mud

    Duncan- the criminal with a soft spot

    Eva- the body builder with a temper

    Ezekiel- the guy that has alot to learn

    Geoff- the sweet party dude

    Harold- just there

    Katie- tweedle dumb

    Sadie- tweedle idiot (Duncan's words)

    Tyler- he tries.

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