Looking at the ratings makes me wonder if Teletoon or CN will try to make a live version of TDI? I think they would be able to get entries and it would be nice to have nature approved crushes on the people on the show. I will enter if they ever do this. Who else would try to get on?
Edited on 08/16/2008 9:46pm Edited 2 total times.
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Here's my analysis. With shows like Survivor, a reality show like TDI wouldn't last too long. This is because millions of people would claim that they are too similar, I ersonally like the format of TDI more than what I've see from Survivor. Then again, I haven't seen a lot off Survivor. Now it has been my dream for TDI to become a reality show, but honestly, I don't think it's going to happen.
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Yeah, there's been Survior, but not teen survivor. The 15-21 demographic hasn't had this yet. 14 and under were on Kid Nation and 21 and up are on Survivor. They could do this and nobody would say they're ripping Survivor off. Because Survivor is more hardcore without any electricity or cabins, isn't in Muskoka or anwhere outside Asia or the Pacific and is nastier overall.
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Using real people would take away from what makes the show Total Drama Island. The unrealistic challenges we all know and love wouldn't be able to be done so I voted no. The characters and romance could still kept alive, but that isn't enough for me atleast to want to have a real version. Total Drama Island being an animation is how it should stay and seeing as more then half Live action shows and movies based of cartoons suck anyways I am happy TDI isn't getting one from what we know.
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I seriously don't think that a real version of Total Drama Island would be able to exist. Seeing the challenges that have happened on the show, it would be way too dangerous to re-create in real life without injuries, deaths, or lawsuits.
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