Cody=Code (He's a computer geek)
Noah=Know it All (I think NejiShikamaru pointed this one out before as a joke)
Heather=Hate Her (Okay this was a stretch)
Izzy=Insane (Another Stretch)
Bridgette=Bridge (Which is usully over water)
Courtney=Court (Like Justice, and she loves the rules)
Owen=Win (He won the first season-RammerXK5)
Gwen=Win (There's a rumor she'll win the US-Rammer XK5)
Ezekiel= Easy Kill (First one off-TTAM-MATT)
Trent=Trend (He's a cool guy that follows trends-TDI101)
Lindsay=Whimsy (cornergas94)
Beth=Possibly a lisp (cornergas94)
And that's all I have for now.