(Sounds good; I'm just putting stuff out)
Ezekial Vs. Eva (Note: this is really Non-Canon so just go with it)
Ezekial supporters: Owen, Tyler, Heather, Harold, Leshawna and Geoff
Eva supporters: Gwen, Noah, Beth, DJ, Courtney, Izzy, Bridgette and Cody
Undecided voters: Trent, Lindsay, Duncan, Katie, Sadie and Justin
Chris: Looks like we have some undecided losers.
*Eva glares at them*
Trent: I don't know who to choose. But I should just follow my Heart.
Lindsay: Tyler's on Zeke's side so I should go there, but he said some un-nice things on the Show.
Duncan: I don't care who wins, as long as it's epic.
Katie: (along with Sadie) It's so hard to choose.
Sadie: (along with Katie) So hard.
Katie: Ezekial's so mean.
Sadie: And Eva's so scary.
Justin: Maybe I should pick Eva.
Chris: Has the Losers decided before Eva pounces?
* Trent, Duncan, Katie, Sadie and Justingoes to Eva's side; Lindsay goes Ezekial's side*
Eva: Smart choice. Can't say about the others.
Chris: Okay. Before we get the challenge started, I want to know what would the winner would do with the money?
Eva: I would spend it on a Gym... for Women.
Chris: Weird, but interesting. Ezekial.
Ezekial: Uh... I don't know, eh.
Chris: Nice speech there. Alright, now you two must wear the Cow and Chicken hats throughout the rest of the challenge. As you 2 run up the flagpole, grab the flag at top, go throught a ravine on a plank with a giant egg, return it to the nest on the otherside and rush to the finish line with a giant rock. Easy.
Chef: Define easy.
*Ezekial grabs a Chicken hat from Chef*
Ezekial: You poor baby chick.
Eva: I'm not wearing that.
Chris: Don't, and you'll probability get kicked off instantly.
Eva:... Sh!t. *Eva puts on the cow hat*
Chris: Ready, set, GO!
*Ezekaial and Eva run up the flagpole. Eva gets to the top easy while Ezekail stuggles*
Ezekial: This is hard, Eh.
Eva: Not to me, farm boy.
*Eva's in the lead*
Ezekial: Aw man.
*Ezekial grabs the flag but plummets to the floor*
Ezekial: Ow! Dude, this Sucks.
*Ezekial gets up and follows Eva; Eva grabs an Egg and walks on the plank*
Ezekial: Woah... I can't cross that, eh. *He grabs his egg*
*Eva's halfway over the plank but 2 prehistoric birds attack her, she punch the two bird and cross; Ezekial crosses too*
Eva: You're useless. *She holds up her rock*
Ezekial: I got to the Final 2, didn't I, eh? *He gets his rock*
Eva: You're gonna regret that when I'm done with you.
*She punch Ezekial in the groin*
*He drops to the floor*
Eva: Ha! He never had a chance.
Owen: Come on, Ezekial!
Tyler: You can't lose to her, dude. She's a girl.
All Females: WHAT!?
Tyler: Uh oh.
*He runs away as they chase him*
Harold: You can own this game, Zeke.
Geoff: Yeah, dude. Get up and win... First, walk that off.
*The girls tie up Tyler and put him down the ravine tied to a rock; Sharks try to jump up and bite him*
*Lindsay saves Tyler by grabbing up the rope; The Shark snap his fins*
Tyler: Lindsay, you save me.
Lindsay: Yeah, I like you a lot, Tyler.
Tyler: And you said my name.
Lindsay: Of course. It's your name.
*They both kiss; Suddenly, Chris spray them with a hose*
Chris: Okay, enough of that. Back to the game.
*Eva is halfway near the finish line; Cody,Noah and DJ are at the finish line*
Cody: Go Eva!
Noah: You can do it Eva!
DJ: I'm always rooting for you, Eva!
*All three of them glare at each other*
Ezekial: I can't do it.
*He falls to the ground*
Eva: Yes.
Harold: No!
Bridgette: Come on, Ezekial. You can do it! I love you.
Geoff: Say what!?
Ezekial: Really?
*Ezekial gets up throws the rock in the air, towards the finish line and run*
Eva: You annoying pest.
*Eva tries to punch Ezekial but he ducks and she falls to the ground; Ezekial crosses the finish line*
Ezekial: Yes!
Bridgette: Ezekial, you did it.
Chris: Not exactly. He doesn't have his...
*Ezekial catches his rock*
Chris:... Rock. Okay then.
*Everyone on Ezekial's side and Bridgette cheer; Bridgette kisses Ezekial*
Eva: What! Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!