Chalenge 1: Beth
Challenge 2: Yes Justin cheated, but nobody had any idea when he fell asleep, so hou could've won the challenge for everyone. I'm going with Owen here.
Challenge 3: Harold or Tyler, but I think Tyler since he was insisting to go more than Harold.
Challenge 4: Bridgette
Challenge 5: Izzy
Challenge 6:LeShawna or Cody, but at least Cody made Bridgette lose. Also, according to the scores, someone else didn't fulfill their challenge since there were nine gophers at the time.
Challenge 7: Harold, or if he had already been voted off, I would say Geoff. He slowed down the Bass with his "injury".
Challenge 8: I really don't know since the Gophers had most of the screentime.
episode 2: Beth (she didn't jump)
episode 3: Owen (He fell asleep first and began sleep walking away)
episode 4: Tyler (He had no skills in the game and left with lindsay)
episode 5: D.J. or Bridgette (who ever got less points)
epiosde 6: Izzy (For attracting a real Bear to the camp site and scaring the team)
episode 7: Leshawna (For doing the worst at trying to conquer there fear)
episode 8: Harold (For burning the padels)
episode 9: Sadie (For not doing anything)
episode 10: Katie (She'd ruin the dish because she's still sad about Sadie)
episode 11: Lindsay (For missing Heather and poisoning Trent, losing those challenges)
10. Geoff (another trick by heather. everybody voted for him)
11. heather (for pulling gwen's pants down)
Episode 2 - Beth, being the only camper who didn't jump
Episode 3 - Owen, being that he fell asleep first
Episode 4 - Harold, as both he and Tyler sucked at dodgeball, but everyone else dislikes Harold more (so many times on the bottom despite victories), or Duncan (if and only if he simply didn't participate)
Episode 5 - Tyler (as his talent was a complete failure, as opposed to Katie and Sadie, whose routine was a success)
Episode 6 - Izzy, as she scared the team into hiding in the trees and potentially drew the bear
Episode 7 - Leshawna, as Cody's challenge was significantly more difficult (he could fail even if he faced his fear)
Episode 8 - Harold (burning the oars)
Episode 9 - Either Harold, Geoff, or Bridgette, but probably Harold yet again
Episode 10 - Harold (for angering the guys. The dishes would be too close to single out a team)
Episode 11 - Either Heather (Gwen getting revenge) or Lindsay (messing up two challenges)
(I've seen the entire season, so I'll post the rest as well. But, I will mark appropriate SPOILERS)
Episode 12 - Lindsay (first to quit)
Episode 13 - Trent (failing the first challenge) or Heather (her driving, or breasts, didn't stop Harold's victory)
Episode 14 - No one is booted
Starting from episode 15, there are no teams, invincibility is individual, so it will be treated as if the person who was booted got invincibility.
Episode 15 - Heather (since no one likes her, and Eva could have 'convinced' people to vote her way.
Episode 16 - Heather (Leshawna would have convinced them to boot her, both for her kissing Trent and because she is reviled)
Episode 17 - Could be anyone, really. But perhaps Heather (Duncan using the guy's alliance and Leshawna and Gwen's hatred) or Duncan (to prevent the guy's alliance)
Episode 18 - Heather (by default, as she and Lindsay were the only ones eligible)
Episode 19 - Owen (for giving up Izzy to the killer)
Episode 20 - Gwen (revenge for victory) or Heather (not completing the challenge)
Episode 21 - Duncan (for his constant Leshawna insults)
Episode 22 - Heather
Episode 23 - Owen (his delusions. At least Mr. Coconut is silent)
Episode 24 - Gwen (Chef would have to choose between her and Heather, and Gwen has insulted Chef more)
Episode 25 - Gwen (Owen recieved all the freebies)
Episode 2- DJ (He's a tough guy. Why can't he jump off the cliff?)
Episode 3- Owen (Really ate alot and ran his fastest. No wonder he slept 1st)
Episode 4- Tyler-(A jock who couldn't hit anybody but his GF)
Episode 5- Heather! (It's no talent to read a diary out loud. AND IT WAS GWEN'S TOO!)
Episode 6- Katie (She led Katie to the berries which got them completely lost, giving a loss to the Bass)
Episode 7- Courtney (Her challenge was so EASY!)
Episode 8- Beth (brought the idol home, bringing the curse to the Gophers)
Episode 9- Heather- (If it wasn't for the fighting she started, they would have had a good run)
Episode 10- Heather (again) (Head chef had major issues)
Episode 11- Lindsay- (Failed at the challenges)
fluffman4 wrote: |
Why exactly hasn't anyone uploaded any episodes beyond 8, which have all aired in Canada? |
all the eps have been uploaded