I was thinking: Since we know TDWT will have as many episodes as TDI and TDA, what do you think is the range of episodes do you think each character's elimination will occur between?
My guesses:
Duncan's elimination will be in 2 or 3.
Harold-Between 4 and 7.
Gwen-Between 12 and 15
Sierra-Between 21 and 25
DJ-13 through 16
Izzy-14 through 18
Leshawna-6 through 9
Noah-19 through 23
Cody-21 through 24
Owen-8 through 12
Heather-15 through 20
Alejandro-23 through 25
Ezekial-3 through 5.
Courtney-6 through 10.
Tyler-13 through 17
Bridgette-9 through 13
Lindsay-8 through 11