Ok in the whole entire Total Drama series and even in the world of teams in TV shows like that, I have never seen a team go this bad when it comes to a start of a new season. The Killer Grips are one of them. What is going on with them? They only won one challenge out of 9 challenges so far given this season. That is terrible! But What is there to blame? Bad leadership? Bad selection of contestants in one team (meaning that you have to Blame Trent for the team's big time mishaps)? And if the gaffers didn't do what they did to get their contestants off the show (Gwen's payback to the grips, DJ's decision to quit) The team would have just been gone a long time ago!
So how are they going to recover? First off the team really needs a boost and hopefully the new addition of Courtney to the grips would help the team win challenges, give the team their invincibility in a long time, and avoid the guilded Chris ceremony. But so far from people here, Courtney seems like it isn't enough for the team. Lindsay's leadership was fun and all, but it was crap! She still gave the team losses. How about the Grips as a team? It seems they aren't smart together and they can't even manage to work together. It like what they think of doing they do it and never think twice (the exception of Lindsay though).
Compared to the Gaffers, they are never as great as this team. Probably because it was Gwen that was the main captain of the team and she did manage to go to the final 2. She knows how to play the game. The grips had Trent as team captain who did manage to be alright in the final 10 last year, but I knew he would never be smart enough to lead a team to be dominant. Instead, he just got crazy and the team is suffering for that.
So how can the Grips recover here? New leadership? Steer straight the team to think of victory instead of elimination? So far as things go like this, the Grips will be gone. Gaffers to the finals!