After the new episode of Total Drama Action that aired on Thursday, I was thinking about Justin and Courtney and they seem like a better couple than Duncan and Courtney.
People say they like Duncan and Courtney because "opposites attract". I used to like this couple until I saw the new episode.
What do they have in common:
They both dislike Harold
They both have bad temper
They are both strong
And they dislike Harold
I like Justin and Courtney because Justin is attracted to somebody other than himself and he has been through pain for her. It looks like JustinXBeth wasn't gonna happen after all, but I still the pairing of JustinXCourtney.
What do they have in common:
They are both shallow
Both of them are narcissists (only care about themselves)
Both of them have big egos (egotistical)
Both of them only talk about themselves
They are self-centered
Both of them are selfish
After Justin became attracted to Courtney, I thought they should be a couple. Maybe if they do another special, they should show Courtney getting together with Justin, and Duncan will be jealous and do anything to get her back. He will probably get unexpected help from Harold. Then, Courtney seeing how Duncan will go that far to get her, eventually get back together with Duncan. If they really do this, I want to see a kiss between Justin and Courtney rivght in front of Duncan and it looks like they are making out. Also, I want to see Duncan cry or Duncan threatning Justin. Thats my idea for an episode, if Justin was still in the game, or they could put this in a special.
So yeah, in this thread, you talk about these two couples and your ideas for them (fanfiction or episode)
Have fun!