YOU GUYS I HAVE GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!1 Saradomin815 have move to so he can post more video's so don't worry Here's the link. I'm so glad he's back and hopfully he won't get caught this time. Oh yeah and Canadianqt said that she maybe up some of the video's and she said if she get caught she'll post them on her website and or here other account Here's some links
yes yes yes!!!! im glad hes putting them up i really dont like the american verdion and it takes tooo long i cant wait that long.good to here shes putting up vids somewhere else.i also wanted to hear geoffs song.when bridgette left i was soooo sad
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Heather gets swore off by Lindsay and everyone's surprised except for Chris, Chef, Gwen, Izzy, and LeShawna (Izzy and LeShawna was off somewhere.) Lindsay got eliminated and she didn't get a fire ceremony. F*** you Heather and That's what ya get for being a B**** but I like you for being what's wrong with me.
Edited on 08/04/2008 9:45pm Edited 3 total times.
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