ok i can already seeing this turning into a vs arguement or pointless arguement period so let me just say this; ok fine beth stole courtneys pda to talk to her bf. she shouldve asked courtney first but that doesnt make her evil and it doesnt mean she isnt nice.beth didnt just want to hurt courtney right off the bat she thought they HAD TO and she was only willing to because courtney is such a brat. besides courtney didnt seem to mind either so dont try to make it seem like courtneys off the hook. not like she backed down or anything.
its not so much that duncan said she wasnt delicate it was the way he said it. he said it in a mocking way which can come off as insult. and i saw you say that duncan doesnt break the rules. in season 1 thats all he did when gwen was still in the game they pulled silly pranks and dont forget he was coming to tdi straight from juvy
ok so harold backstabbed duncan but duncan had it coming. besides its not like everything duncan has ever done to harold can be excused because compared to that, what harold did is nothing. it wasnt an elimination episode anyways so duncan didnt have anything to worry about
Edited on 11/07/2009 10:06am