1. Screaming Gaffers: I thought the conflicts in that group were interesting in some way. DJ's guilt, Gwen's 'deal', Duncan and Harold, LeShawna trying to form an alliance with those two to vote off Heather (although I still to this day wonder why she didn't ask DJ instead of Duncan, as that would have worked and be effective). Just some pure hate but some nice teamwork in there.
2. Killer Bass. I thought they were the most interesting out of the two teams in Island. I like most of the characters, an overall nice but error-prone team. Underdogs, different personalities crashing, two releationships at the center of attention. It's good.
3. Team Chris. An interesting antagonist, some good interactions. Mostly comic-relief but still good. Shame Owen's there but he had his role in the team, somewhat...
4. Team Victory. What a shame. Good/decent characters with one character in need of development? Niiice...too bad they failed miserably.
5. Screaming Gophers. Most of the characters are bland but the conflicts make up for it. Also some strategical moves made by Heather helps this team out.
6. Team Amazon. Gwen, Courtney and Heather had an interesting vibe about them when they interacted. So much history, different personalities, etc. and yet it still works. However, Sierra's obsession with Cody can ruin the mood/feel of this team.
7. Killer Grips. What happens when all the characters in one team are just comic-relief? Why completly boring, of course! Justin had some potential as an antagonist but not used. Owen, Izzy and Beth are irritating, Trent very uninspiring that season. Lindsay almost makes it up for all of this.