I'm reminded of a quote that many people have varied on but Family Guy put best. "I learned that parents should take responsibility and not let their kids get what they find offensive instead of taking issue with the things themselves. Yeah."
Censorship, even on a children's network, is inappropriate. Granted, the ratings should be kept as a guideline to parents, but to edit shows just to make them "appropriate" seems Sovietesque. Parents that are saying "ONOZ! THEY SHOWED TEENAGERS KISSING AND FLIRTING!" should realize that they aren't doing it to be lewd or vulgar. It's just how teenagers are. But when faced with $500,000 fines, people have to be careful. Anything is offensive to at least somebody. What you find wrong and inappropriate for a 9 year old, I may not. What you say should not be shown so early (9 eastern), I may not see fault with. Why parents think this is raunchy is puzzling. If we want to make a point of their ridiculousness, let's complain to the next network that shows ANY cleavage at all. I think that's too sexual for primetime why won't you listen to my rants! Granted, outright snuff films should be banned and we should not set out to offend, but other than that, warn, do not censor. I think Americans are more worried that kids will see sexual content (necessary to make children that we must hide said content from) or hear bad language than see violence or hard drug use. For example, "They made a pun about a beaver and a dam! That's so wrong! Oh, Saving Private Ryan, that's appropriate for a 10 year old."
I think this may be Puritanical America's way of showing shame in the human anatomy. Why just read the lost 12th commandment, "Thou shalt be ashamed of thy own natural anatomy."