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Create your own line of voting off!

  • Avatar of toucansquak7


    [1]Aug 15, 2008
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    Make a line of people voting off

    1.DJ-Too scared to jump off cliff

    2. Katie-too sexy for her body!

    3.harold-beatboxing failure



















    22. and the winner is...tyler!

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  • Avatar of TraverseTown


    [2]Aug 15, 2008
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    I'm ranking them by place, so #22 is worst, #1 is best

    22 - Heather
    21 - Courtney
    20 - Duncan
    19 - Geoff
    18 - Owen
    17 - Tyler
    16 - Trent
    15 - Gwen
    14 - Ezekiel
    13 - Noah
    12 - Justin
    11 - Harold
    10 - Cody
    09 - Izzy
    08 - DJ
    07 - Bridgette
    06 - LeShawna
    05 - Eva
    04 - Katie
    03 - Sadie
    02 - Lindsay
    01 - Beth (!!!)
    Edited on 08/17/2008 4:27pm
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  • Avatar of 4EverGreen


    [3]Aug 15, 2008
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    Here's MY personal preference of who should've and who should get voted off during certain episodes. (I live in the U.S. by the way, so if I make a voting choice that's accurate once the episodes hit the states, it's totally coincidential!) Also, I'm voting by the order the campers get voted off. So #1 would be the first, and #22 would be the winner!

    1. Ezekiel (No change.) 2. Harold (He had no personality back then.) 3. Noah (No change.) 4. Heather (Why would Izzy agree to vote with Heather?) 5. Katie (No change.) 6. Eva (Her personality would've ticked off the Killer Bass by this point.) 7. Tyler (Since Harold wouldn't be around to burn the oars which caused D.J. to take the initiative to swim the other campers back to shore, Tyler wouldn't have been able to help due to his complete inability to be athletic.) 8. Sadie (She would've been shot by Beth.) 9. Beth (No change.) 10. D.J. (He took off his blindfold, disqualifying the Killer Bass.) 11. Cody (There is no way he could handle ANY challenge that Chef Hatchet will dish out.) 12. Lindsay (For her pure stupidity.) 13. Duncan (His criminal past could catch up to him.) 14. Courtney (She would've dissapointed the Killer Bass too many times by this point.) 15. Izzy (She would've done something completely crazy by this point.) 16. Justin (Most of the other campers would've voted him off since he'd be a threat to their chances to win.) 17. Bridgette (Her clumsiness would do her in.) 18. Geoff (He never takes the game seriously.) 19. LeShawna (For no reason in particular.) 20. Gwen (Trent could possibly let her go just so that HE could win.) 21. Trent (If the game's like "Survivor," the voted-off campers would hate Trent the most and vote Trent off) leaving... 22. Owen, the winner! Enough said!

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  • Avatar of cornergas94


    [4]Aug 15, 2008
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    toucansquak7 wrote:

    Make a line of people voting off

    2. Katie-too sexy for her body!

    3.harold-beatboxing failure













    22. and the winner is...tyler!

    You put Lindsay twice. And why would you keep Eva so long, she's crazy! Tyler winning! WTF! He had no skills. And what do you mean beatboxing failure, that's why it's funny, he's some scrawny nerd with untold skills. Justin was just there for viewers. Cody was good but not final two good. And Trent off fifth! What, he's so cool. You don't even have bridgette on this list at all.

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  • Avatar of robotcfan1


    [5]Aug 15, 2008
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    cornergas94 wrote:
    toucansquak7 wrote:

    Make a line of people voting off

    2. Katie-too sexy for her body!

    3.harold-beatboxing failure













    22. and the winner is...tyler!

    You put Lindsay twice. And why would you keep Eva so long, she's crazy! Tyler winning! WTF! He had no skills. And what do you mean beatboxing failure, that's why it's funny, he's some scrawny nerd with untold skills. Justin was just there for viewers. Cody was good but not final two good. And Trent off fifth! What, he's so cool. You don't even have bridgette on this list at all.

    if u look she skipped numbers on purpose.so one of those numbers is bridgette
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  • Avatar of NejiShikamaru


    [6]Aug 15, 2008
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    Actually, read the 1st post, it has all of the spots.
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  • Avatar of nate4123


    [7]Aug 16, 2008
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    This is my way lineup.

    #22 Heather (I f*ckin hate her!)

    #21 Exekiel

    #20 Eva

    #19 Justin

    #18 Sadie

    #17 Tyler

    #16 Katie

    #15 Beth

    #14 Owen

    #13 Leshawna

    #12 DJ

    #11 Geoff

    #10 Izzy

    #9 Trent

    #8 Lindsay

    #7 Harold

    #6 Duncan

    #5 Noah

    #4 Bridgette

    #3 Courtney

    #2 Cody

    #1 GWEN!!!!!

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  • Avatar of NejiShikamaru


    [8]Aug 16, 2008
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    22. Eva
    21. Sadie
    20. Owen
    19. LeShawna
    18. Beth
    17. Justin
    16. Harold
    15. Katie
    14. Izzy
    13. Ezekiel
    12. Heather
    11. Gwen
    10. Tyler
    9. Lindsay
    8. Geoff
    7. Noah
    6. Courtney
    5. Trent
    4. DJ
    3. Bridgette
    2. Cody
    1. Duncan
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  • Avatar of TDI101


    [9]Aug 16, 2008
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    NejiShikamaru wrote:
    22. Eva 21. Sadie 20. Owen 19. LeShawna 18. Beth 17. Justin 16. Harold 15. Katie 14. Izzy 13. Ezekiel 12. Heather 11. Gwen 10. Tyler 9. Lindsay 8. Geoff 7. Noah 6. Courtney 5. Trent 4. DJ 3. Bridgette 2. Cody 1. Duncan
    I shoulda have known yeah anyways.

    24. Eva

    23. Ezekiel

    22. Owen

    21. Noah

    20. Justin

    19. Izzy

    18. Cody

    17. Tyler

    16. Sadie

    15. Beth

    14. Dj

    13. Cody (Second time)

    12. Katie

    11. Coutrney

    10. LeShawna

    9. Heather

    8. Harold

    7. Lindsay

    6. Izzy (Second time)

    5. Duncan

    4. Trent

    3. Bridgette

    2. Gwen

    1. Geoff!!! (If he was real then I go out with him if he get his lines right)

    Edited on 08/16/2008 8:40am
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  • Avatar of JeffSkellington


    [10]Aug 16, 2008
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    22: Heather (F**KING B*TCH!)

    21: Eva

    20: Ezekiel

    19: Tyler

    18: Cody

    17: Noah

    16: Sadie

    15: Beth

    14: Justin

    13: Harold

    12: Izzy

    11: Lindsay

    10: Geoff

    9: Leshawna

    8: DJ

    7: Bridgette

    6: Owen

    5: Katie

    4: Courtney

    3: Duncan

    2: Trent

    1: GWEN!

    Edited on 09/08/2008 8:56am
    Edited 3 total times.
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  • Avatar of alagaesian


    [11]Aug 16, 2008
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    I've always wondered what would happen if Harold never tampered with the votes.

    12. Harold's gone (obviously)

    13. Geoff (Geoff lost his challenge, Duncan scares DJ into voting him off)

    14. No voting, but the girls would probably lose without Geoff to help Bridgette.

    15. Eva (assuming Eva and Izzy are the ones to come back)

    16. Trent (Heather might try to do a similar thing with Duncan, but it wouldn't work. Besides, she has a grudge towards Gwen.)

    17. Bridgette (Duncan starts the guys alliance, but steers them away from voting Courtney off)

    18. Linsay (Duncan would probably help Courtney out with her bike, so she could possibly get to the final round and place third, but considering Duncan's bike got wrecked in the challenge, I doubt she'd make it to the finish line.)

    19. DJ (same reason as in the show)

    20. Heather (Duncan never makes an alliance with Heather because he can still team up with Courtney and Owen. There is finally a chance to get rid of Heather, and everyone jumps for it.)

    21. Owen (Voted off for the same reason Geoff was. Chris wouldn't let Owen get partnered with Izzy. if anything, he'd be partnered with Courtney, and he'd drive her nuts enough to wimp out)

    22. LeShawna (The same mishap as the show)

    23. Izzy (She'd drive everyone insane on that island)

    24. Gwen (Courtney's the kind of person that would master herself and go through all those dares. Duncan would win though his toughness, and they wouldn't stick dares on each other. They wouldn't think for a second to share their freebies with Gwen, so she'd probably loose.)

    25. Courtney looses, Duncan wins (No offense, but no one likes Courtney. Duncan is superior physically, and there wouldn't be someone like Heather that would try to hurt his chances. Not that it would matter; being a couple, they'd share the money, no matter who won.)

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  • Avatar of cornergas94


    [12]Aug 17, 2008
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    People saying Heather should've been gone first, yes she's evil, but think about it. She didn't get really evil until the middle of the show. And it was fun to watch what she would do. She shouldn't have made it to the final 3 but she was good for ratings and basically united the viewers against someone.
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  • Avatar of nate4123


    [13]Aug 17, 2008
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    Hmm you have got something there. Mostly she's doing so many stategic things to keep her in the game. Heather is actually pretty smart in the game, but she does get people on their nerves, especially me. I really hate her but she does make the show interesting!
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  • Avatar of AliCat524


    [14]Aug 17, 2008
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    here's mine:

    22: Ezekiel (no change)

    21: Eva (still no change)

    20: Katie

    19: Tyler

    18: Noah

    17: Justin

    16: Courtney

    15: Duncan

    14: Harold

    13: Heather

    12: Beth

    11: Cody

    10: Lindsay

    9: Izzy

    8: Leshawna

    7: Trent

    6: Owen

    5: Geoff

    4: Sadie

    3: Gwen

    2: DJ

    1: Bridgette!!!

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  • Avatar of cornergas94


    [15]Aug 17, 2008
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    Kudos, AllCat.

    Heather brought something into the show. Not teamwork, or compassion, or comradery etc. But she was always one-upping everyone else. She was like Omarossa on the Apprentice, everyone hated her and called her a whiny b**** but she was fun to watch. It's like a car crash or Bill Buckner's slipup at the 86 world series, you know it's horrible but can't look away. All good literary works have an antagonist, someone to hate, someone who you want to fail. That's who she was for this work. For the people you like (Duncan, Bridgette, Gwen, Trent, Cody, Noah) she was the one you hoped your favourite would beat. She made it into the final three basically because she was sneaky like a fox and because the writers wanted to give everyone a reason to watch, to see what she would do to her team and to hate her for that. As much as I hated her, she was STILL vital to the popularity of this show and its plot. She was to your favorite as Satan is to God in the Bible, she was the Voldemort to everyone else's Harry, she was the Hitler to everyone else's Churchill or Roosevelt.

    Edited on 08/17/2008 2:08pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of tigerty101


    [16]Aug 17, 2008
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    25: Ezekiel (no change)

    24: Eva (no change)

    23: Lindsay (For sucking at dodgeball and being with Tyler)

    22: Heather (For reading Gwen's diary, Lindsay can't save her)

    21: Sadie (For being less usefull then Katie)

    20: Tyler (no change)

    19: Izzy (no change)

    18: Beth (She shows Cody the tiki doll sooner)

    17: Owen (For eating the entire plate of ribs)

    16: Katie (She does the same thing Sadie did)

    15: Harold (He doesn't tamper with the votes)

    14: Geoff (For losing his challenge)

    13: Eva again (no change)

    12: Trent (Heather gets Izzy to help her instead)

    11: Bridgette (no change)

    10: Heather (she's the only one to pass the finish line)

    9: D.J. (no change)

    8: Izzy again (no change)

    7: Courtney (she annoys her partner to much and losses all challenges)

    6: Leshawna (same reason)

    5: Mr. Coconut (Cody goes crazy instead)

    4: Duncan (he is partnered with noah, Gwen convinces Cody to vote with her)

    3: Noah (he refuses to do most of the dares)

    2: Cody (Gwen beats him)

    1: Gwin wins

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  • Avatar of cornergas94


    [17]Aug 17, 2008
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    You voted heather off twice. Like I said in my post above yours, ty, she was vital to the show being a success, you want to watch her even if you hate her.
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  • Avatar of tigerty101


    [18]Aug 17, 2008
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    (Thank you cornergas94, I thought something looked wrong with my list, I forgot Justin)

    25: Ezekiel (no change)

    24: Eva (no change)

    23: Lindsay (For sucking at dodgeball and being with Tyler)

    22: Justin (Heather convinces Noah to vote with her just once)

    21: Sadie (For being less usefull then Katie)

    20: Tyler (no change)

    19: Izzy (no change)

    18: Beth (She shows Cody the tiki doll sooner)

    17: Owen (For eating the entire plate of ribs)

    16: Katie (She doesthe same thing Sadie did)

    15: Harold (He doesn't tamper with the votes)

    14: Geoff (For losing his challenge)

    13: Eva again (no change)

    12: Trent (Heather gets Izzy to help her instead)

    11: Bridgette (no change)

    10: Heather (she's the only one to pass the finish line)

    9: D.J. (no change)

    8: Izzy again (no change)

    7: Courtney (she annoys her partner to much and losses all challenges)

    6: Leshawna (same reason)

    5: Mr. Coconut (Cody goes crazy instead)

    4: Duncan (he is partnered with noah, Gwen convinces Cody to vote with her)

    3: Noah (he refuses to do most of the dares)

    2: Cody (Gwen beats him)

    1: Gwin wins

    Edited on 08/17/2008 7:02pm
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  • Avatar of Diddy_2000


    [19]Aug 17, 2008
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    She someone u love to hate.
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  • Avatar of AC


    [20]Dec 12, 2015
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    22nd - Ezekiel (Not So Happy Campers - Part 2)

    21st - Eva (The Big Sleep)

    20th - Noah (Dodgebrawl)

    19th - Justin (Not Quite Famous)

    18th - Cody (The Sucky Outdoors)

    17th - Katie (Phobia Factor)

    Returns - Izzy (Up the Creek)

    16th - Tyler (Paintball Deer Hunter)

    Returns - Beth (If You Can't Take the Heat)

    15th - Sadie (Who Can't You Trust?)

    14th - Courtney (Basic Straining)

    13th - DJ (X-Treme Torture)

    12th - Harold (No Pain, No Game)

    11th - Trent (Search and Do Not Destroy)

    10th - Beth (Hide and Be Sneaky)

    9th - Lindsay (That's Off the Chain)

    8th - Bridgette (Hook, Line, and Screamer)

    7th - Izzy (Wawanakwa Gone Wild)

    6th - Duncan (Trial by Tri-Armed Trialthalon)

    5th - Leshawna (Haute Camp-ture)

    4th - Owen (Are We There Yeti?)

    3rd - Heather (I Triple Dog Dare You)

    Runner-up - Gwen (The Very Last Episode, Really!)

    Winner - Geoff (The Very Last Episode, Really!)


    15th / 14th - Geoff and Bridgette (Alien Ressur-Eggtion)

    Returns - Izzy (Riot on Set)

    13th - DJ (3:10 to Crazytown)

    12th - Gwen (The Chefshank Redemption)

    11th - Trent (One Flu Over the Cuckoos)

    10th - Heather (Masters of Disasters)

    9th - Owen (Oceans Eight or Nine)

    8th - Izzy (Million Dollar Babies)

    7th - LeShawna (Super Hero I-D)

    6th - Justin (The Princess Pride)

    5th - Lindsay (Rock N Rule)

    4th - Beth (2008: A Space Owen)

    3rd - Courtney (Top Dog)

    Runner-up - Duncan (The Aftermath IV: Who Wants to Pick a Millionere?)

    Winner - Harold (The Aftermath IV: Who Wants to Pick a Millionere?)


    18th - Ezekiel (Walk Like An Egyptian - Part 1)

    17th - DJ (Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan)

    16th - Bridgette (Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better)

    15th / 14th - LeShawna and Harold (Slap Slap Revolution)

    13th - Owen (Can't Help Falling in Louvre)

    12th / 11th - Izzy and Lindsay (Jamaica Me Sweat)

    10th - Duncan (I See London)

    9th - Gwen (Greeces Pieces)

    8th - Tyler (Picnic at Hanging Dork)

    7th / 6th - Noah and Blaineley (Niagara Brawls)

    5th - Courtney (African Lying Safari)

    4th - Sierra (Awww Drumheller)

    3rd - Cody (Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Balloons)

    Runner-up - Heather - (Hawaiian Punch)

    Winner - Alejandro (Hawaiian Punch)


    13th - Staci (Bigger, Badder, and Brutaler)

    12th - B (Ice Ice Baby)

    11th - Dawn (Finders Creepers)

    10th - Dakota (Backstabbers Ahoy)

    9th - Sam (Runaway Model)

    8th - Brick (A Mine is a Terrible Thing to Waste)

    7th - Anne Maria (The Treasure Island of Dr McLean)

    6th - Lightning (Grand Chef Auto)

    5th - Mike (Up, Up and Away in my Pitiful Balloon)

    4th - Zoey (Eat, Puke, and Be Wary)

    3rd - Scott (The Enchanted Franken-Forest)

    Runner-up - Jo (Brain vs Brawn: The Ultimate Showdown)

    Winner - Cameron (Brain vs Brawn: The Ultimate Showdown)


    14th - Sierra (Heroes vs Villains)

    13th - Sam (Evil Dread)

    12th - Jo (Saving Private Leechball)

    11th - Lightning (Food Fright)

    10th - Cameron (Moon Madness)

    9th - Heather (No One Eggspects the Spanish Opposition)

    8th - Alejandro (Suckers Punched)

    7th - Duncan (You Regatta Be Kidding Me)

    6th - Lindsay (Zeek and Ye Shall Find)

    5th - Gwen (Sundae Muddy Sundae)

    4th / 3rd - Courtney and Scott (The Bold and the Booty-Ful)

    Runner-up - Zoey (The Final Wreck-ening)

    Winner - Mike (The Final Wreck-ening)


    14th - Beardo (So, Uh This Is My Team?)

    13th - Leonard (I Love You, Grease Pig!)

    12th - Sugar (Twinning Isn't Everything)

    11th - Rodney (I Love You, I Love You Knots)

    10th - Ella (Mo Monkey Mo Problems)

    9th - Topher (Three Zones and A Baby)

    8th - Dave (Hurl and Go Seek)

    7th / 6th - Max and Scarlett (Scarlett Fever)

    5th - Jasmine (Sky Fall)

    4th / 3rd - Amy and Samey (Pahk'd With Talent)

    Runner-up - Sky (Lies, Cries and One Big Prize)

    Winner - Shawn (Lies, Cries and One Big Prize)


    18th - Chet and Lorenzo: Stepbrothers (None Down, Eighteen to Go - Part 2)

    17th - Mickey and Jay: Adveristy Twins (French is an Eiffel Language)

    16th - Gerry and Pete: Tennis Rivals (Mediterranean Homesick Blues)

    15th - Tammy and Leonard: LARPERs (A Tisket, a Casket, I'm Gonna Blow a Gasket)

    14th - Stephanie and Ryan: Daters (Hello and Dubai)

    13th / 12th - Crimson and Ennui: Goths and Rock and Spud: Rockers (I Love Ridonc & Roll)

    11th - Taylor and Kelly: Mother and Daughter (The Shawshank Ridonc-tion)

    10th - Ellody and Mary: Geniuses (Maori or Less)

    9th - Laurie and Miles: Vegans (Little Bull on the Prairie)

    8th - Noah and Owen: Reality TV Pros (Dude Buggies)

    7th / 6th - Dwyane and Junior: Father and Son and Sanders and MacArthur: Police Cadets (El Bunny Supremo)

    5th - Geoff and Brody: Surfer Dudes (Ca-Noodling)

    4th - Josee and Jacques: Ice Dancers (Darjeel With It)

    3rd - Devin and Carrie: Best Friends (A Million Ways to Lose a Million Dollars)

    Runner-up - Tom and Jen: Fashion Bloggers (A Million Ways to Lose a Million Dollars)

    Winner - Emma and Kitty: Sisters (A Million Ways to Lose a Million Dollars)

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