The show obviously said who got the most votes, but it barely ever actually said who voted for who. This is who I think voted for each other in each episode:
Episode 1: Geoff: Courtney, Tyler: Courtney, Katie: Ezekial, Bridgette: Ezekial, DJ: Duncan, Harold: Courtney, Sadie: Ezekial, Eva: Ezekial, Duncan: Courtney, Courtney: Ezekial, Ezekial: Eva
Episode 2: Duncan: Harold, Bridgette: Eva, Courtney: Eva, Katie: Eva, Sadie: Eva, Tyler: Eva, DJ: Eva, Geoff: Eva, Harold: Eva, Eva: DJ
Episode 3: Owen: Noah, Gwen: Noah, Cody: Noah, Trent: Lindsay, Heather: Noah, Beth: Noah, Justin: Lindsay, LeShawna: Noah, Izzy: Noah, Lindsay: Noah, Noah: Izzy
Episode 4: Trent: Heather, Gwen: Heather, Cody: Heather, Izzy: Justin, Beth: Justin, Owen: Justin, Lindsay: Justin, LeShawna: Heather, Heather: Justin, Justin: Owen
Episode 5: Courtney: Katie, Duncan: Sadie, Bridgette: Katie, DJ: Sadie, Harold: Katie, Geoff: Katie, Tyler: Sadie, Sadie: Tyler, Katie: Tyler
Episode 6: Duncan: Tyler, DJ: Tyler, Harold: Courtney, Geoff: Tyler, Sadie: Tyler, Bridgette: Tyler, Courtney: Tyler, Tyler: Bridgette
Episode 7: Beth: Izzy, Trent: Lindsay, Gwen: Heather, Cody: Lindsay, Owen: Lindsay, Heather: Izzy, LeShawna: Izzy, Lindsay: Izzy, Izzy: LeShawna
That's as far as I got.