Courtney and Justin suck up to the producers more than the other contestants. Heather was once really fat and pimply; how did she get thin and pimple-free, and how long did it take her?
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Chef could tell you, but then he'd have to kill you. (Chris: "That's what release forms are for, correct-amundo?") Why do Gwen and Duncan only dye part of their hair instead of all of their hair?
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Why does everyone find Katie and/or Sadie annoying? (Don't say anything about them squealing so much, their obsess over Justin, or the fact that they are usually together)
Edited on 01/23/2010 5:11pm
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Katie and Sadie are actually MORE annoying when they're separated from each other! What would happen if Noah dyed his hair in the favorite color of the person who responds to this question?
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