4.She was and still is in love with Alejandro in tdwt and after
6. She absolutely HATES Gwen for stealing Duncan, and Courtney wants to make Gwen's life a living nightmare!
8. She once tried to hit on Tyler in order to make Duncan jealous!
Characters done so far: Owen, Duncan, Lindsay, Izzy, Trent, Eva, Heather, Noah, Cody, Sierra, Ezekiel, Harold, Alejandro, Justin, Tyler, Chef, Beth.
2. Her design is similar to Bridgette, but better
Characters done so far: Owen, Duncan, Lindsay, Izzy, Trent, Eva, Heather, Noah, Cody, Sierra, Ezekiel, Harold, Alejandro, Justin, Tyler, Chef, Beth, Courtney.
3. Her real name is Milldred
Characters done so far: Owen, Duncan, Lindsay, Izzy, Trent, Eva, Heather, Noah, Cody, Sierra, Ezekiel, Harold, Alejandro, Justin, Tyler, Chef, Beth, Courtney.
4. She once ate a dirty pizza, off the FLOOR!
Characters done so far: Owen, Duncan, Lindsay, Izzy, Trent, Eva, Heather, Noah, Cody, Sierra, Ezekiel, Harold, Alejandro, Justin, Tyler, Chef, Beth, Courtney.
6. She was originally going to be the host of the show before Chris came along.
Characters done so far: Owen, Duncan, Lindsay, Izzy, Trent, Eva, Heather, Noah, Cody, Sierra, Ezekiel, Harold, Alejandro, Justin, Tyler, Chef, Beth, Courtney.
9. She can actually burp AND fart at the same time! (Geoff: "My buddy Owen once said that if you can burp and fart at the same time, you have NO soul!")
Characters done so far: Owen, Duncan, Lindsay, Izzy, Trent, Eva, Heather, Noah, Cody, Sierra, Ezekiel, Harold, Alejandro, Justin, Tyler, Chef, Beth, Courtney.
3. Her biggest fear is being buried alive.
Characters done so far: Owen, Duncan, Lindsay, Izzy, Trent, Eva, Heather, Noah, Cody, Sierra, Ezekiel, Harold, Alejandro, Justin, Tyler, Chef, Beth, Courtney, Blaineley.
4. Her biggest rival in the "Total Drama" series is Heather!
Characters done so far: Owen, Duncan, Lindsay, Izzy, Trent, Eva, Heather, Noah, Cody, Sierra, Ezekiel, Harold, Alejandro, Justin, Tyler, Chef, Beth, Courtney, Blainely.