[15]Jan 21, 2006
- member since: 09/17/05
- level: 29
- rank: Volgar the Enforcer
- posts: 5,958
Why couldn't at the end have the theme song altered,like this:
Who lives in a Tikiapple under the sea?
Squidbob Tentaclepants!
As blue and yellow and grumpy as they!
Squidbob Tentaclepants!
Who blurts out nonsense but one tries to stop it?
Squidbob Tentaclepants!
And they'll never drop like a fish,because they don't have wit!
Squidbob Tentaclepants!
Squidbob Tentaclepants!
Squidbob Tentaclepants!
Squidbob Tentaclepants!
(Squidward plays his clarinet,but Spongebob takes it and plays with it.Squidward gets mad that steam is flowing out of his head)
Hint: Involving everyone,it's nasty and they're at a theoropist.
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