Twilight wins everything based off of votes, whether it's rigged or not. Except for one KCA, but I kind of think that was rigged too. Alvin and the Chipmunks beat Twilight(LOLLLL) which just "happened" to be releasing on DVD the next week and they just "happened" to say so in their acceptance speech. No offense to Twilight fans, but there are a lot of crazy ones. The Team Edward/Team Jacob shipping wars is way worse than Seddie/Creddie, which is saying something to me.
As for the TCAs being rigged, I think they only choose the Ultimate Choice award, which went to Britney Spears. If I don't recall correctly I think that the screencap actually did say that the winners of each category is decided from votes, and that FOX has the ability to choose the ultimate choice award, which is why that wasn't an option to vote for.It didn't say that they got the ultimate choice, it said that they chose who gottheultimate choice, which is the name of theaward. IMO, Dan was beingsort of a sore loser when he tweeted that photo. If it was rigged, I wouldimagine that they would "spread out" the awards and not give all of them to theJonas Brothers, Selena, and Miley.Just because the people that win didn't really deserve to win, doesn't mean that it was rigged. IMO, it's because certain Miley and JB stans have no lives so they spend their summer voting on that site for an hour every day.If it was rigged the results would probably be even better, lol. I think Fox would choose betterwinners if they chose it. Haha.If theUltimate Choice was awardedby voting, then Miley would win. I'm sure of it.
The only reason why I think Glee or WOWP will win, is because a lot of the people that vote on the TCAs over and over again are very close minded and stick to what they think the "good" shows are. Those 2shows definitely have the most hype out of all of them. Not neccessarily the most popular, but the most talked about amongthat age range. The TCAs aren't even teens usually,now there are8-10 year olds voting too. As much as Ilove "The Big Bang Theory", I don't think they'll win any awards at all.