I'm trying to find the picture, but they had a couple photos of the set. One of Sam and Cat singing, and another that I'm trying to find (It was on twitter somewhere) and it was of Sam on a motorcycle with Cat behind her. My thoughts on this, as the significance of that would seem to indicate that Sam and Cat will be set relatively soon after Sam rides off in that final episode.
Speaking of which, if this is the case, we now know where Sam is going in that final episode as she rides off on that motorcycle. The question is why, and what sends her off. In which case, it would appear as I said, that Sam and Cat will pick up where iCarly leaves off....I wonder if they're going to do something to allude to Sam and Cat in Victorious even
Okay found the photo: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151027418841755&set=a.76376866754.92068.53523601754&type=1&theater
Now I found the other one: https://twitter.com/ColourfulAriana/status/248851955609374720/photo/1
Your thoughts my fellow friends and tv.com family?