NOTE: Until "iCarly Saves TV" airs on June 13, ALL spoilers will go in this official discussion thread and ONLY in this thread, so as not to spoil it for others who wish to wait to see it on TV. Thank you.
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I didn't even see much hype for it. Really, its you guys that hyped it up more.
Heh, check out the Chasing Zoey thread. For a season finale, the hype level was pretty low. We've had countdown threads over at the Zoey board, and even Vince is Back had 121 posts in that thread.
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well, on TV Guide, it says that icarly saves tv will be throughout 8:00pm-9:00pm. if the show is 27 mins....and usually, the normal icarly shows are 23 mins i was thinking is, since the icarly cast members will be hosting the icarly marathon including the movie, they will be introducing behind the scene stuff and probably being asked questions and what not. (thats what i read)
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