You're Yakimilarious! I got to Yakimago. I need to Yakimapee. Do a number Yakimone. Then, I'll Yakimash my Yakimands with Yakimoap. After that, I'll Yakimy my Yakimands with a Yakimowel. There. Now I'm Yakimack. Well, I better stop saying Yakima with every Yakimord. Yakimat? I Yakimaid that I'll Yakimop saying Yakima with every Yakimord. Oh Yakimo! Do I Yakimave to Yakimay Yakima Yakimith Yakimevery Yakimord Yakimor Yakimthe Yakimest Yakimof Yakimy Yakimife?
This yakiguy takes it yakerious! Oh, BTW I like Yakiorious!(You know Victorious)
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