I agree, this has legitimate reasons as of why he/she personally doesn't like the show. It's completely understandable. Some people feel the same way. The only reason why I was mean to the guy on "iHate This Show" was because of the way he worded what he was saying. His insults and grammar made me not take him seriously. I mentioned that to him on that thread, but he didn't respond. I also want this show to end while it's still going strong like D&J, rather than just going downhill and being canceled. Then we can have an amazing finale. However, somebody else already made a thread like this.
Please read the discussion here: Should this show finally be put to rest?
You should look through the topics that are here already instead of starting a new one. I posted in that thread that yes the new season was different, but I personally liked it. I thought their humor was a little more mature, their adult references got funnier, and their plot lines were a little more clever.
I had extremely low expectations for iPWV, so it was better than I thought. When they say it's the "Biggest event of the summer" in the promo and hype it up, don't listen to them. (colon pee). Don't let iPWV alone affect your opinion on iCarly now. Although there will probably be a lot of Seddie in the next 4 episodes, it looks like Dan is making it up to everybody else by stepping up on the comedy. There's going to be a mental hospital, Spencer dressing as Spam, Jim Parsons, AND classic Gibby(not Gibby ordering soup or finding a dollar bill). Did you read the roles of the other psychotic patients?? It looks funny. You can disagree if you want, but I personally think this season will be far better than iPWV. I understand if you don't like it anymore though; there are plenty of people who don't.