And Then There Was Spenser: News:
There has been news for a Season One set, but it has not yet been confirmed by yugaton88. It could have behind-the-scenes peeks and maybe even some deleted scenes from episodes such as My Valentine! This Easter could be a great day for And Then There Was Spenser!
Episode 20 2.2: iWanna Know Where iCarly Is!: Carly gets upset to see that Spenser Art replaced iCarly and she and Spenser fight, she thinks about moving in a dorm at college, so Spenser, Nora, and Socko, bring iCarly back! Carly is so surprised and she throws a party for iCarly.
Episode 21 2.3: Ding Dong Repairs!: The apartment's doorbell breaks, and Spenser, Nora, and Socko try to fix it. But when they can't do it, Carly proves she can and shocks them all.
Episode 22 2.4: iSpy On The Date: Carly gets a date at Groovy Smoothie and Spenser goes to spy on it. Meanwhile, Nora and Socko are left to do iCarly alone!