This episode was... um... DECENT. I'm actually admitting it's decent considering that the last episode "iPear Store" was TERRIBLE. I liked this episode but it STILL has problems
*Sam beating up that bully with a butter sock to defend that kid
*The very ending of the episode
*Spencer holding a bush to cover himself since he's naked
*The fact that Chuck has a little brother named Chip
*The fact that Chuck went to military school since he deserves it for abusing Spencer
most likely MORE
*Gibby is no longer a funny and likable person and just by him saying "Gibby" (whenever he makes an entrance) and the laugh track keeps clapping for him is just so repetitive like seriously. He overall irritated me in this episode but nowhere as much as "iPear Store" and the other episodes. Gibby has definitely changed big time
The gag with Spencer catching on fire with his roller blade (seriously, how many catching on fire gags is this show getting) and I'm sick of it but the part that definitely cracked me up out of surprise was Carly roasting a weenie with the fire being on Spencer's rollerblade (that's another positive by the way)
*Chip was unlikable and just irritated me
All-in-all, a major improvement over the previous episode that just was drop dead AWFUL and HORRID. This show is not getting good anymore but this is one of the episodes I'm happy to say is passable. It's definitely not excellent like "iOpen A Restaurant" and "iHalfoween" but it's decent at least
OVERALL: 7.5 out of 10
Edited on 06/13/2012 9:02pm
Edited 3 total times.