Huh I thought I deleted it before anyone saw, I was going to write some general statements as if I had seen it but then I went to delete it but insted pressed something that submitted it
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Well we know one thing. Tarloc was quite a hassle for Aang and his friends in the past.
....No, he wasn't. That was YAKONE in those flashbacks, the same guy who was in the flashbacks before and who is CLEARLY older than Tarrlok (not to mention the impossibility of Tarrlok being a full-grown adult when Aang was, yet is still younger than Aang's SON, Tenzin, now.)
Tarrlok's clearly related to Yakone, but he isn't the same guy.
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Best episode yet. This reminds me of Long Fe or however you spell that guy's name from the original. I am still convinced Tarrlock is a red herring even if the reflection in the water made him look like Amon. But I will admit his actions do make it seem like he is playing both sides for more power. Korra did get another vision of Yakkone after confronting him, but Amon being Tarrlock too obvious for me to get behind the theory yet. New team Avatar was looking nice for a minute. Good to see Korra defend the non-benders and planting the seeds for non-benders who will remember that the Avatar protects both benders and non-benders.
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Freaking Awesome episode!!! Glad that Korra will finally make sense of her visions. Tarlok is a douche but some pretty awesome bloodbending there... Perhaps a relation or reference to Hama to come? Then again she was old in the first series. On the other hand she was the first blood bender I guess we'll see. New police chief is indeed the worst.