Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Before the latest episode(lake laogai) he was like in between, the avatar hated him and so did the fire nation. If Aang figures out that??zuko was the one who let apa out, he might actually thank zuko and maybe in future episodes accept him in his group. That's when all the good things come in cus then we'll have an air bender, an earth bender, a fire bender, and a water bender on aangs side. That would really make him powerful.
I don't know if Zuko will join aang and the others, after all he really things that if he captures de avatar he could maybe go back to the Fire Nation, I don't??know if??he still thinks that after Iroh's speech in lake laogai.
?? I don't know if everyone agrees but I think??that what makes Zuko so cool is that he is actually neutral, he isn't a bad guy, but he isn't good also, he is mysterious...
PhoenixAngel37 wrote: |
Since Zuko gave up as being the Blue Spirit, I think he might join the Avatar's side! What do u (avatar fans) think? |
You'know it'd probably help to complain and then you'know actually provide another thread for the topic thingie. Like one of these winners.
What do you think Zuko will do?
(Spoliers) What happens to zuko now?
Meh, I used "help."
To be blunt, that's a pretty common suggestion and not every single thing can be made into a sticky, no matter how redundant it seems to be. Not enough space.??However-DIRECTORY OF THREADS on the Avatar Forum Could've sworn she had kids or somethin.