Not counting when he was "tearing up" in the Agni Kai (the storm) Somehow I can't really see Zuko cry at this point in time, he'd be more like the kind of people who would take it out on something *coughfirecough* like trees... uhh yah
Quite true.
Guys I kinda figured I'd put my foot in my mouth again. Technically he started yelling at the clouds at the end of bitter work, then he broke down. I stand corrected
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I didn't like seeing Zuko cry in this episode it's not just because I am a major Zuzu fan (even though??sometimes I am??refered to as??Queen of The Zuzu Fan's anyway....) it is because we have never seen Zuko cry before so he must have been realy hurt
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Oh and in my letter I forgot to say im not scrubing your feet. Nore bow. And I?? shall not serve you. Rebele! Rebele! Of corse im ciding it's all good. Im just a crazed up froot loop.
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