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Aww ohw yanm sidepose idd het agbcaeb ygu aprepa ni nda ihcwh seon?
How many episodes did the cabbage guy appear in and which ones? ~ 4 episodes ~??The King of??Omashu, The Waterbending Scroll, The Tales of Ba Sing Se, The Serpent's Pass??(I feel like I'm missing some...oh well)
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How many love affairs has Sokka had? The three main ones
1. Princess Yue
2. Suki
3.?? ??????? Boomerang??? LOL
well, the third isn't really a main one but its been hinted at the most *coughshesfun,perky,flexibleandlikespinkcough*
Well then I guess that would be Ty Lee... and I would love to do the next puzzle but actually I??can't;??I'm watching a movie with hubby and only checked the computer because (yeah he's a doll)... he's upstairs getting the laundry out of the dryer and putting the next load in.... (I am spoiled)
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