uchia2000 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
uchia2000 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||
uchia2000 wrote: |
How long has Avatar been around? |
zukofangirl2006 wrote: | ||||||||||||||
They're not the same thing, you just said the anime has 160 episodes of filler And in fact I'm EXTREMELY EXTREMELY happy Avatar doesn't have a manga, because this way WE don't have to sit through filler. |
Juushiro86 wrote: |
cookies are good...anyone agree with that? |
I don't think Naruto outdoes Avatar when it comes to character development or progression.
The characters in Avatar are all well developed and focused on. It has been 200 episodes and two series and Naruto has hardly developed even half it's cast. Instead they spend time developing dead people or characters with no point (see Zaku), and the character backstories are far too melodramatic and often downright cheesy.
Bleach hardly has any character development, and the story itself virtually disintegrates after the Soul Society Arc.
Death Note is a completely different genre and has no relation.
uchia2000 wrote: |
How long has Avatar been around? |
uchia2000 wrote: |
Dammit some1 tell me how long Avatar has been around. |
Eman5805 wrote: | ||
I find short and simple phrases to be the best way to get your point across. Observe:
Quality > Quantity
Sob story =/= better show (Naruto characters' pasts may seem more tragic because the show likes to emphasize this to drag out the story. Even 1-episode characters get backstories. Boring, irrelevant, cheesy, and a waste of time.)
While Avatar has small faults (I'm big enough to admit that), I have never seen a single Narutard admit to their show's fallacies (there's quite a few). Instead they cover it up by either diverging the convo, insulting the accuser, or my personal favorite: blame it on the filler. It's like they have a filter that only sees the good and blocks all the ugly....or they could just be doing it to annoy Avatards.
Those last 2 weren't simple phrases but here's one that is: which one has more awards?
uchia2000 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||
I hope you realize we're currently in the worst slump this forum's ever seen. There's our normal intelligent discussion elsewhere, but it's not like we don't have a right to complain anyway. Almost all the best users are banned, almost all of us moved onto another site. I did too, as a matter of fact. I was just checking up on the foruma and saw this and joined in.
SweetnesS_34 wrote: | ||
Eddy654 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||
avalame122 wrote: | ||
Since February, 2005. |
Eman5805 wrote: | ||
It's been airing since around 2004 I believe. But, the two creators were pitching the story around couple years before that. |
Eddy654 wrote: | ||
Eddy654 wrote: | ||||
MaddoKos wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||
So you admit Naruto wastes time. |
PerfectAgent96 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||
SilverFlames wrote: | ||||
No because in RL we don't argue about cartoons. We argue of stuff that matters, but as soon as I log in to Tv.com, it's settled, 10% of my brain shuts down and I'm ready for teh forums! EDIT: My brain during tv.com Avatar forums: usually just 5% but this week, I've had to shut down 10% of my brain just to deal with this Fail Week. The Naruto Forums on a basis: 7% but during the spamming of my thread, I had to shut down 15% of my brain The Spongebob Forums on a basis: 110% of my brain is shut down, I submit to mental retardation, in a thread full of misspelings and unreasonable rants, I sumbit. |
uchia2000 wrote: | ||||