Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Pick who you think is the hottest guy on avatar. I think that the hottest guy is sokka, but that's my opinion.
Zhao. Because I feel less awkward talking about a cartoon character over the age of 18. Hakoda is a close second.
But with the teens, Zuko. Though, Hairdown!Sokka is very close too. Preferably Shirtless-Hairdown!Sokka.
Obligatory John Woo doves are obligatory.
Zuko !!
I don't know about Avatar, but this is the hottest guy on Earth
Introducing the hottest guy in Avatar:
*facepalms herself* Of course! How could I forget Iroh?!
Iroh is hot.
except that it's really zuko, without a doubt. sometimes sokka is attractive, but zuko always is
Haha, truest of the trufax.
You have to avert your eyes somewhat when watching "Sokka's Master" or else you'll practically be raped by an orgasm (don't ask me how that happens)
mmm...his armpit hair is SEXY!
jk....but i think in a few years, Aang will be freakin amazing.