I'm obsessed to no ends with this show!?? How obsessed, you ask??? I'm on a forum talking about it at 2:49am!?? LOL!?? I bought the first season DVDs individually AND the box set.?? I'm also??working on three fanfics, one with yaoi, yuri, and het in it called "The Fire Lord's Mistress" and the other two are both Tokka fanfics that go together called "Following the Blind" and "Leading the Dumb", in which the two of them??get lost in Ba Sing Se under Sokka's directions and when he gets mad because Toph is being bossy (as usual) he declares that she should lead then.
LOL, sorry, I'm self-promoting here!?? ...check out my Avatar fanfic "The Fire Lord's Mistress" (only one chapter up at the moment) at fanfiction.net under the penname "masterctarl"!?? "Following the Blind" will be up soon as well!?? W00T!
Edited on 11/13/2006 1:50am