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Nickelodeon (ended 2008)

Who else thinks toph is going to turn out a lesbian

  • Avatar of doomed_soul89


    [1]Jul 26, 2008
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    Well let's face it toph is probably going to (or would if it was real) be a lesbian i mean besides acting like a guy half the time and being fine with herself cast as a guy (ember island players) not to mention the whole after zuki saved her when she was drowning in the serpants pass (that was funny) and she's like the only person in avatar not to have a crush i mean even azula had that guy at the part
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  • Avatar of dratava


    [2]Jul 26, 2008
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    .. i think you're alone on this.
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  • Avatar of pc_fan03


    [3]Jul 26, 2008
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  • Avatar of music4life17


    [4]Jul 26, 2008
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    doomed_soul89 wrote:
    Well let's face it toph is probably going to (or would if it was real) be a lesbian i mean besides acting like a guy half the time and being fine with herself cast as a guy (ember island players) not to mention the whole after zuki saved her when she was drowning in the serpants pass (that was funny) and she's like the only person in avatar not to have a crush i mean even azula had that guy at the part

    I find that to be a poor conclusion. Just because she isn't the most effeminate character on the show doesn't mean she will turn out with that orientation. She was raised as almost a pampered princess and I think her tomboyish ways just to show rebellion to that lifestyle and the need for her own independence as a person. In the Ember Island Players, she liked the fact of being cast as a guy in a way that she wasn't wimpy like the other characters. She even stated herself, "At least I'm not a flyin' bald lady!" and really - who would want to be cast as a flyin' bald lady! When she was drowning in the Serpent's Pass, she was under the assumation that Sokka was saving her and since she had no earth beneath her feet, she couldn't see that that person was Suki and not Sokka. It was there that we first noticed Toph had a crush on Sokka!

    All in all, I believe this to be a ridiculous conclusion. Just because the girl isn't as effeminate as the others and can fight for herself doesn't mean she is of that alternate orientation. She's a strong willed and independent female character which is rare and respectable all the same!
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  • Avatar of CancerTheCrab


    [5]Jul 26, 2008
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    she had a crush on sokka
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  • Avatar of BradyBannister5


    [6]Jul 26, 2008
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    First off, Toph had a crush on Sokka, as shown by her frequent "arm hugs" and that whole "Oh Sokka, you saved me" in the Serpent's Pass.

    Second, I doubt Nick would allow this.

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  • Avatar of celestialavatar


    [7]Jul 26, 2008
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    im leaving
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  • Avatar of Breaker94


    [8]Jul 26, 2008
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    she wont
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  • Avatar of SlargTheGnome


    [9]Jul 26, 2008
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    You didn't do your research did you?
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  • Avatar of starreh


    [10]Jul 26, 2008
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    You don't really know how girls work... Do you?
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  • Avatar of Jackson5050


    [11]Jul 26, 2008
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    It would not surprise me if she was a dyke but Nick would never allow a storyline like that.
    Edited on 07/26/2008 8:58am
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  • Avatar of youtube_tv


    [12]Jul 26, 2008
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    just because she didn't have anyone in the end doesn't mean it's going to be like that. she liked Sokka, but Sokka liked Suki a lot more
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  • Avatar of skye3001


    [13]Jul 26, 2008
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    If she wanted Sokka, she should've joined them in season one. Suki had dibs first.
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  • Avatar of BradyBannister5


    [14]Jul 26, 2008
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    Just as Kataang was planned from the beginning, I'm sure George (Sukka) was as well. If not, I'm sure Toph would've join the group earlier.
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  • Avatar of Undead_Prince


    [15]Jul 26, 2008
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    Besides all the scenes already enumerated (and really, the Serpent's Pass was a dead giveaway), didn't you notice how Sokka and Toph had that near-death experience in the last episode? Toph was all like - I'm ready to die with you, my captain... Really, she's just too tomboyish in her ways to be blushing and giggling like other girls. That time she hit Zuko in "Ember Island Players" - that's how she "shows affection", not by getting all mushy. Also, she's one of the youngest in the group, so doesn't really know what to do in those situations. Finally, she has long known that Sokka's engaged with another girl, so there's no chance for her. Thus, it is obvious Toph had some feelings for Sokka right until the end, but her character, her age, and Sokka's infatuation with Suki never allowed her feelings to manifest themselves in a flamboyant way.

    So no, Toph's not a closet-case; she likes boys.

    Azula, OTOH, looked like she wouldn't object against receiving some "ministrations" from her all-female posse. But in my view, she'd've been more into some forbidden love with her brother (or maybe even father, but Zuko comes first).
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  • Avatar of FourthLegacy


    [16]Jul 26, 2008
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    Going to be honest with you, that's pretty hot---but no.
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  • Avatar of speechless8582


    [17]Jul 26, 2008
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    mmm....i'll have to disagree with you on this one.
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  • Avatar of XLR8rox


    [18]Jul 26, 2008
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    I kinda doubt that Toph will be a lesbian because this is a kids show. If Avatar was on Adult Swim or had an anime spin-off, then it could be possible. But since that isn't the case, Toph won't be a lesbian.
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