Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
tomtitan wrote: |
I don't quite understand the question. Elaborate, fiend! |
tomtitan wrote: |
I see. Yes, it would have been nice to see them sooner, but I thought that was a nonissue. |
is the way of Bryke
for the most part, unless other characters were with one or more of these characters
Zuko, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Appa in his story after being taken by sandbenders or Azula(basic only exception was the story of Sozin and Roku, but even than, Aang and Zuko were either observing or reading)
they never showed others characters in themselves
they never showed Ty lee interactions with the rest of the Kyoshi warriors, they never showed Hakoda finding the people for the invasion, they never showed how Iroh escaped from the jail, they never showed the taking of Omashu by the FN, they never showed the life of June, they never showed what was the friendship of Zuko and Mai during their childhood
some "holes" might be filled by the POSSIBLE small episodes on TV and online next year(is not completly confirmed)
so it makes sense that we never saw them until they finally interacted with the gaang at the finale
It was forshadowed a bit, and kinda all ofa sudden,
But it made the final more awsome seeing differnt masters from differnt elements/arts, wearing the same uniform on the same side.
Im thinking where the OWL were when sozin wiped out the air benders, or how old the society is.
Hopfuly well see more of them in future avatar series.
If another series takes place inthe future, its be awsome to see sokka and zuco as old masters in the OWL.
LeonMorado wrote: |
the only thing about the white lotus' appearance that really bugged me to no end was teh fact that they never addressed teh significance of sokka receiving a white lotus tile from pian dao. the whole retaking of ba sing se was pretty inconsequential to the rest of the story, so overall it felt like they were only included for the sake of being included. |
I was anxiously awaiting this as well. Piandao's gift to Sokka indicated that he was in the secret society, but the GAang didn't know that at the time. They could have had a whole episode didecated to the White Lotus and answered all of our questions. Too bad, I would have been interested.