pr0udZuTaRiAn wrote: | ||||||||
Tis true |
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
pr0udZuTaRiAn wrote: | ||||||||
Tis true |
fatsomama wrote: |
This thread is STILL ALIVE? Holy text-pyramids Batman! |
LeonMorado wrote: |
*throws rock at enourmous quote pyramid* *shakes fist* *flees* |
pr0udZuTaRiAn wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||
I would love to help xD very nice |
RafaelTheWeird wrote: | ||
once again LeonMorado, I love you and your humorous spell that which you cast. *Catches him and gives him bear hug swaying him to and frow* too bad rocks dont ruin our pyramid. but you're welcome to jump in and bend/help with us!! -The Weird -The Weird |
RafaelTheWeird wrote: | ||||||||||||||||
Ninja_Avatar earthbends Bat-woman(Never liked her) into the ground. Muhahaha! Rafael nods in approval and goes to take out Bat Man. But Bat Man throws his bat bombs at Rafael who quickly dodges them. Appa flies down with Katara and Toph.... Your turn Rafael.
Ninja_Avatar875 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||
?? Ninja_Avatar earthbends Bat-woman(Never liked her) into the ground. Muhahaha! Rafael nods in approval and goes to take out Bat Man. But Bat Man throws his bat bombs at Rafael who quickly dodges them. Appa flies down with Katara and Toph.... Your turn Rafael. ?? |
avatarman94 wrote: |
Probobly Kataang, cause thev known each other for so long, and theyv kissed. Remember in the cave of two lovers. And Zuko has betrayed katara way to many times |
titiembe wrote: | ||||||||||
yeah... |
ozai890 wrote: | ||||||||||||
Yeah, that is pretty mess up.
Anime-Destiny1 wrote: | ||||||||||||||
Yeah, that is pretty mess up. |
ozai890 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||
pr0udZuTaRiAn wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||
Why would only girls like Zuko?! |
ozai890 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||
pr0udZuTaRiAn wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
yeeea, lets try not to think about him marrying Zuko...
DMClover314 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
yeeea, lets try not to think about him marrying Zuko... |
... marry Zuko is a such of... really weird thing...don't u think???
Anyways,??Kataang???Zutara ? i m a EX Kataanger en a EX Zutarian so, i??like both of them! but it would be really cool if Zuko ??and aang had feelings for Katara on the same time and Zuko donno wanna??recognize it and then Zuko and aang fights for Katara then Zuko recognize it just when they are fighting then there happens something with Katara en Zuko en aang saved her life by workin together.
then Katara think about??she's really feelings and try??to??know who's the guy she really like...she must to??make a choice??cuz if she asked to be just friends zuko aang would'nt stay in one place without fight so she musst to make a choice and at the end she choice the guy who she has the most feelings...
( Wooow i'm writing a really fanfic!)
??i donno know who's the guy who she has th most will see it in season threeeeeeeeeeeeee!
the reasons that maked me become a zutarian was:
Katara and Zuko are like ying and yong, it would be a hate, love relationship andit would to be made without sombody know it, it would be really mysterious and romantic! it would be confioused and really cute ! and there would be more action...and zuko has a hot temper and katara can coold hem, zuko become quickly angry??and katara can recomfort hem, they have both a tragic past,if Zuko try to hurt katar by angry katara??can protect herself cuz water??can fght fire without any problem??
the reasons that maked me become a Kataanger was:
they are best friends and they do really good nknow each other, endd theyare so cute together ^^!?????????????????????????????????????????????? aang is always there for her, and always ready to protect her , yo can see that he would give his life for her, he do really love her, and it can become reciprocal,( and the funnyiest is that aang is 98 years older than katara)aang is funny and he is always moving, katara is calm, katara protect hem, aang protect her, and when aang go into the avatar state, Katara is the only who finds the good things to do to bring him back into the normal state, they were maked for each other ^^(i tough it so ) and the creators said it so ( but maybe they said that so everybody can think it will be like that , and than it becomes zutara, but i don now)
i don not have anyting against the zutarians cuz i'v been a zutarian too so i undertand !
but i think that kataang will happen cuz it have?? more sens...??