[54]Dec 11, 2006
- member since: 07/27/04
- level: 4
- rank: Thighmaster
- posts: 185
Now comes my more detailed analysis. It's true that season one has a lot of fillers. However, I'd say most of the fillers were better than the season 2 fillers, the super long stretch with Long Feng, Dai Lee and Bah Sing Se killed it. I got so pissed off with liek the last 3-4 episodes before the season finale. They stretched it a little too wide, and yes, you learn alot about the idealogy of Bah Sing Se, but i mean in the season finale, all the culture an idealogy of politics gets completely WASTED if you think about it. Lets see, last utopia in the world? It never was one, and it's been taken by the fire nation now. No knowledge of the war from citizens? Not any more of course. Dai Lee/Long Feng basically controlling city? not any more, Long Feng was taken out earlier, and he couldn't regain his position (such a failed double crossing attempt I must say). I mean, so what, we learn that basically, Long Feng is this crazy guy who thinks that people should know nothing outside the 'world' of Bah Sing Se. He takes control of the country basically, and more, and yet in two swift episodes, all those fillers just got wasted. Anyways, they're both pretty tied for me, season two has more action of course, season one has better fillers, however, i like the first season finale a little better (even though as I said earlier, yue dies, which pissed me off and made me sad), even though second season finale had a lot more action (a super long fighting sequence), and it also pissed me off that when aang was about to 'master and control' the avatar state, he is floatint up with 'pure cosmic energy' and then he just easily gets shot down by one lightining strike, so pathetic. Although Katara and Zuko seemed to improve their bending skills like... tenfold. At this point, with the evidence we have now, Katara kicked the sh*t out of Azula (had Zuko not intevened) and Zuko did the same to Aang. It seems tha tAzula and Aang arn't all powerful and now Katara and Zuko are more powerful (besides that Aang has the avatar state, but thatss beyond the point) Also, I think Ang was stupid to keep using the crystals as his 'shields'instead of real earth, as they kept shattering from firebending. Anways, my vote now goes to season one, by like a milimeter, but still, to the first season.
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