Flubersnign wrote: |
Good explanations man! Here's mine: Aang: i think andaang is your basic kid that lacks definition. i expect to see him become more seriouse about his training because of what happened at the end of season two. Katara:??i love her focused, but casual side. she is the straight gal of the group.?? Sokka:??he makes me laugh!! Toph:??i think she is my current favorite. even though it seems like they snatch the sight thing from daredevel.?? Zuko: in turmol, like must of us, he is fighting his own nature. iroh: every show has to have there mr. miagi. and he's it (sorry for the bad speeling) |
wait, where do you live? I live in the USA, so season 2 is over! lol, just curious