Ok, in the hypothetical situation of a Fire Nation victory, what would happen. Thye dont seem to be all evil and terrible, just ambitious. Here's what I mean.
Let's say the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe fall completely under the Fire Nation's control. What then? First, all the soldiers and benders would probably be locked up. But that's not all that bad, it's more like disarming then killing.
We've also seen Fire Nation controlled Earth Cities, and it seems pretty much business as usual for the normal people. Maybe higher taxes, but still life.
The Earth and Water benders would continue to exist in this world
because the Fire Nation would need them to build walls and such cheaply
and quickly in the Earth Nation, and North/South Poles. At the same
time, the other benders would learn of the technology the Fire Benders
use, thus rendering thier advantage moot.
In the anology Iroh gives, the Fire Nation's people are like Fire, so what happens to Fire when it runs out of fuel? It burns out. Eventually (and I beleive rather quickly) the Fire Nation would tear itself apart. Thus, the Fire Nation would cripple itself, and the Water Benders, and Earth Benders would be able to strike back, and fight against the Fire Nation.The Fire Nation would then be pushed back, and balance return to the world
The only problem in this scenario would be Airbenders. However, in my belief there are untrained Airbenders that exist, those that do not know they can Airbend, and they could be trained by some airbender.