Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
obsessedchic1 wrote: |
Toph was my favorite character when she came in. |
Taking away toph's blindness would be like taking away a part of her.?? You see, a person's character is formed from the experiences he/she goes through in life.?? That's what makes us different from every other person.?? Personally, i think that she "sees" better than most people.?? I actually wouldn't mind being blind if it meant i'd be able to see through earthbending...
So in short, a toph who could see would no longer be toph at all, but a different person altogether.
obsessedchic1 wrote: |
Toph was my favorite character when she came in. |
vaatilover wrote: |
what if toph could see? would she be else then whens she's blind? wouldnt she be such?? great bender? cuz blind people hav better feelings... they say and her eyes are green... they say... eh? |
confucioussayhi wrote: |
BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!!!!! If Toph wasn't blind, it would ruin her character! She kicks so much @$$ because she is blind! Damn you. Jk! But seriously, not cool. |
tico1125 wrote: |
Toph is a great character.?? Her being blind gives her so many abilities.?? Probably the best ability she has is making all of us laugh when she tells one of her blind jokes.?? I still laugh everytime I see the Library episode and she is like, "There it is!"?? Then when everyone looks she says, "That is what it will sound like when one of you spot it."?? **Wipes a tear from my eye after laughing**?? Man that is such a funny part because I even believed her at first. |
vaatilover wrote: |
yea toph can do wat she wants, as long she has earth under her feet you people think her parents will come and get her in book 3? or shall they accept that toph does what she wants to? |