that'd be interesting. do all avatars grow up away from their families, or just aang's because he was raised in a monestary? it's kind of weird that aang never mentioned his parents, and i guess he never knew them, because the only person he's ever mentioned is monk gyatso. but in appa's flashback, there was a woman there who was introducing the sky bisons to the little kids, remember? can there be women at a monestary? maybe only air nomads are raised away from their family.
sorry, i'm getting off-topic. maybe, like say, if the avatar was fire nation, and born into the royal family, maybe he'd be raised by the sages? i like the idea, though. it would add a little more to the show to find out about aang's parents. and if they were royalty.... interesting....
Edited on 12/09/2006 1:46pm