Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
ardron wrote: |
Yet another thread on this duplicated topic. Anyway, Zuko will not have his scar healed anytime soon, so I don't care. |
agree pls look at the top of this forum there a pinned post witha ll the topics that where there before Primonation putted alot work in it
I think this goes to show Zuko has some deep seed issue that "magic water" can't help.Maybe move him a little closer to him following his own path for power or whatever. He was so close but I think it's going to take a little more action to heal the scar w/in,even if the outside one was all healed up.He still pretty mesed up inside.(OMG!I sound kinda like Dr.Phil.In this werid way!!!)
Thesocialcrown wrote: |
I think this goes to show Zuko has some deep seed issue that "magic water" can't help.Maybe move him a little closer to him following his own path for power or whatever. He was so close but I think it's going to take a little more action to heal the scar w/in,even if the outside one was all healed up.He still pretty mesed up inside.(OMG!I sound kinda like Dr.Phil.In this werid way!!!) |
Well, I'll repeat what I think again: I THINK ZUKO HAS A VERY SECRET CRUSH ON KATARA, becose of the waterbending scroll part "I'll protect you from the pirates". Or the expression on his face when he found Katara's necklace, or in The Siege of the North: "you have grown a lot", which means to me "you are hotter that ever" And in Bato from the Water Tribu, Jun said "this is your girlfriend? ...She's way to pretty for ya'", It seems he didn't care at all, and in tales of ba si se he went mad when a guy said, about Jin: "are you and your girlfriend goit for a dessert?".
So I think, that in the season finale he didn't got angry because his uncle was with Aang, but because they interrupted them, and 'cus Katara ran to hug Aang. He actually got jaleous. What I'm trying to say, is that if she would have time to heal him, apart of see Zutara, we had seen a Zuzu fighting AGAINST Azula, and he joining the gang, I'd love to see Sokka and Zuzu disscusing for nonesences, and Katara saying: "we must be together", or Toph saying: shup up you @ssh0les you get of my nerves! and while in a fight Ty lee?? flirts with Sokka, Mai flirts with Zuzu, that would be great, but the show it's so much interesting now, 'cus nobody know what's gonna happen, and we'll see Zuzu spending time with Ty li and Mai!