Purpose: The below text is meant to get you to think. I'm not saying that my reasons are good or even that they are my exact reasons. I'm throwing possibilities out there for discusion. Trying to get people to see things a certain way, not the obvious way. Well as you you all probobly know the current asumption is that Aang will feal nothing for Katara if he masters the Avatar state. I'm not sure that is so. I believe this might be more complex than one would think. Look at the most recent "play on words" that we had in this very same episode. "No Aang by choosing attachment you have locked the chacra, if you leave now you wont be able to go into the avatar state at all." One would guess and I asumed alot of people did that he could never do it again. However, the guru could have also said "If you leave now you wont be able to go into avatar state unless you clear all your chacras." Where as before he could go in it when he was in danger or angry. I believe that this issue with Katara is very similar. Lets look at the guru's dialog. "The thought chacra is located at the crown of the head. It deals with pur cosmic energy and is blocked by earthly attachment, meditate on what attaches you to this world" ...Cute visions of Katara... "now let all of those attachments go, let them flow down the river, forgotten" ...Well, when he said this i was kinda scared. However, this may be a very vancy way of the guru saying clear you mind, focus and concentrate. "Forget" about everything else. I know it's a long shot.... "learn to let her go, or you cannot let the pure cosmic energies flow in from the universe." "you must learn to let go" "Aang, to master the avatar state you must open all the chacras, surrender yourself." "Now think of your attachments, and let them go. Let the pure cosmic energy flow." Well I want to point out a few things. I think that mabe the guru is just trying to prove a point. That he needs to learn to let go of the material realm. It's not eternal and he needs to realize that. Really guys, this chacra thing could litteraly be just a fancy way of teaching ang to clear is mind and focus. Then there is the fact that a previous avatar tried to kill the spirit, "the face steeler" I believe was his nickname, because he had stolen the face of a loved one. Also, look the las avatar Oroku, does he look emotionless. He shows emotion and so does Avatar Kioshi. I don't think it is posible for him to lose love, or anyone for that matter. If one can't feel love than you can't feel any emotion. Something which the previous avatars have shown. Anyone, anyone else have any ideas on the matter. I have been multi tasking alot while writing this, so if it is fragmented or doesnt make sense that may be why. I also feel like I have left a few points out due to that. |