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What does "letting go" really mean?

  • Avatar of mellomuse


    [21]Dec 6, 2006
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    I once read the entire Bhagavad-Gita??many years ago (disclaimer: I am not a Hindu)??and I remember there was a lot of emphasis on the need??to release all earthly attachments in order to find complete??harmony with God.?? However,??from what I understand, that doesn't mean that you stop feeling anything;??it's more like an??end to any and all earthly desires, whether it be for a??person (Katara), a situation (end of war),??or an emotion (like seeking happiness).?? ??It goes along with what Aang said in SotFN about letting go of hope.????One can still play, love, work towards a goal; but "letting go" means that one accepts all emotions, all gains and losses, with complete openness and neutrality.?? It's a sort of deep understanding that everything on Earth is temporary, everything changes.?? Very hard thing to achieve, especially in this day and age.??

    Edited on 12/06/2006 8:43am
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  • Avatar of Maki_P


    [22]Dec 6, 2006
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    I think "let go" means learning that the world isn't eternal.
    Kinda like Master Yoda says in episode 3: we should not afraid the death of the ones we love, 'cause they will always be with us. And I think this show has that same filosophy
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  • Avatar of Neurosylum


    [23]Dec 6, 2006
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    mellomuse wrote:

    but "letting go" means that one accepts all emotions, all gains and losses, with complete openness and neutrality. It's a sort of deep understanding that everything on Earth is temporary, everything changes. Very hard thing to achieve, especially in this day and age.

    Exactly what I was thinking right now. ^_^ However, it's going to be a hard road for Aang to travel through. He still has the mentality of a 12 yr old after all.
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  • Avatar of Maki_P


    [24]Dec 6, 2006
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    Teranef wrote:
    The above poster's got it, right there.

    As far as the Guru new, when he said "earthly attatchment" Aang could've thought of Jewlery, clothes, possessions, or other materialistic things that are generally considered "earthly attatchments". It has nothing to do with "love", and everything to do with "earthly attatchments".You can still love something without being attatched to it, in other words, dependant on it. Good example; food and drugs. You can love a food, you can even love a drug, but when you form an addiction to a drug, a dependancy, that's not love but something negative. Someone who loves a food is not addicted to it, but they still love it. Aang "letting go" of Katara means he can still love her, but he doesn't depend on her emotionally, and won't make her higher priority then things that are more important such as restoring balance in the world..

    Another comarison I thought of is coming to terms with something bad, whether it be death or just going to school when you hate it. Some people in disaster/disease scenarios accept their mortality. That doesn't mean at all that they no longer love life, but simply have come to be alright with the fact that it's gonna end. On the oppisite end of the spectrum from extreme example to every day example is kids who hate school that go to school. They'd rather not go to school, but don't generally fight the idea. They just go to school, accepting that it's a part of their childhood they'd rather not have. Death, like education, is a part of life. And letting go of attatchment to someone is just the same as letting go of your attatchment to life by accepting your mortality, or letting go of attatchment to 24/7 free time by going to school/work. You can still love life, free time, and your loved ones, you just are not dependant on it.

    That's smart.... and exactly what I'm thinking
    You were the one starting the topic about "understandig Zuko" with the family and nation thing right? I have to say you speak wisely, and really like to write.
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  • Avatar of tico1125


    [25]Dec 6, 2006
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    hercules1991 wrote:
    Tonyionta wrote:

    Purpose: The below text is meant to get you to think. I'm not saying that my reasons are good or even that they are my exact reasons. I'm throwing possibilities out there for discusion. Trying to get people to see things a certain way, not the obvious way.

    Well as you you all probobly know the current asumption is that Aang will feal nothing for Katara if he masters the Avatar state. I'm not sure that is so. I believe this might be more complex than one would think. Look at the most recent "play on words" that we had in this very same episode.

    "No Aang by choosing attachment you have locked the chacra, if you leave now you wont be able to go into the avatar state at all."

    One would guess and I asumed alot of people did that he could never do it again. However, the guru could have also said "If you leave now you wont be able to go into avatar state unless you clear all your chacras." Where as before he could go in it when he was in danger or angry. I believe that this issue with Katara is very similar. Lets look at the guru's dialog.

    "The thought chacra is located at the crown of the head. It deals with pur cosmic energy and is blocked by earthly attachment, meditate on what attaches you to this world"

    ...Cute visions of Katara...

    "now let all of those attachments go, let them flow down the river, forgotten"

    ...Well, when he said this i was kinda scared. However, this may be a very vancy way of the guru saying clear you mind, focus and concentrate. "Forget" about everything else. I know it's a long shot....

    "learn to let her go, or you cannot let the pure cosmic energies flow in from the universe."

    "you must learn to let go"

    "Aang, to master the avatar state you must open all the chacras, surrender yourself."

    "Now think of your attachments, and let them go. Let the pure cosmic energy flow."

    Well I want to point out a few things. I think that mabe the guru is just trying to prove a point. That he needs to learn to let go of the material realm. It's not eternal and he needs to realize that. Really guys, this chacra thing could litteraly be just a fancy way of teaching ang to clear is mind and focus.

    Then there is the fact that a previous avatar tried to kill the spirit, "the face steeler" I believe was his nickname, because he had stolen the face of a loved one. Also, look the las avatar Oroku, does he look emotionless. He shows emotion and so does Avatar Kioshi.

    I don't think it is posible for him to lose love, or anyone for that matter. If one can't feel love than you can't feel any emotion. Something which the previous avatars have shown.

    Anyone, anyone else have any ideas on the matter. I have been multi tasking alot while writing this, so if it is fragmented or doesnt make sense that may be why. I also feel like I have left a few points out due to that.

    I completely agree with your idea here Tonyionta, i have another that i'ld like your opinion on. okay now i've seen a few people complain about Aang "giving up Katara" at the end. I think if you watch the episode again you'll see that the guru says he has to "learn to let her go." is it not possible that he meant that the "Fear" of losing Katara is holding Aang back. That he could learn to accept that she may one day leave in one way or another and that by accepting that and "letting go" of that fear he will unlock his chakra and receieve the cosmic power to control the avatar state.

    I don't beleieve releasing the love an avatar has for someone would enable them to master the A.S. but releasing the fear that holds that holds them back might. Besides how can it be possible for him to forget his love for her. Its not just a memory, it's part of him emotionally and spiritually. His love for her is essential to keeping one of his chakras open.

    While watching the episode again i came to the conclusion that everytime Aang opened one of his chakras it was about releasing a negative emotion like fear, guilt, shame, or apprehension. I think all these emotions are derived from the first one listed: fear. That right there shows that a beneficial emotion like love should not affect his energy in any negative way

    I have not read this entire forum but I have gotten the gist of the conversation.?? One thing that I have thought of is that the chakras are like swinging doors.?? He showed that they get clogged easily by inner turmoil and that blocks the energy.?? Just because Aang cleared up his current turmoil who's to say that he will not have some later in life.?? Thus locking the AS again.?? Basically this is what I am thinking.?? The Guru was showing Aang how to get to the Avatar State on his on freewill without the use of his emotions.?? So now he has unlocked 6 of the chakras and the 7th will always be the final one to unlock for the Avatar State.?? Now my theory is that I agree that it has to do with the fear of losing Katara and each time he needs to use the Avatar State that he just needs to unlock number 7 and boom he is in the Avatar State.?? Think about it.?? When he unlocked it he immediately went into the AS and didn't shut it down as easily as Kyoshi did in Avatar Day.?? Her eyes flashed for a moment while she separate Kyoshi island form the mainland.??

    Let me know what you think about my theory.
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  • Avatar of blackfire_bird


    [26]Dec 6, 2006
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    Quick reply :

    Letting go simply means that when it comes to the Avatar State, Aang mustn't let any emotions get in the way of his jugment.

    See " The Avatar State" for instance, he nearly killed (or did he )all those earth-kingdom soldiers because he was angry that they'd hurted (not really though) Katara and again in "The Dessert" when they took Appa away.

    To control the Avatar State Aang must totally clear his mind and "let go of earthly attachments"?? or he will end up like that other Avatar who let his emotions get in the way?? (yeh, he's dead now!!!)

    .... at least that's what I think, Thank You for listening Radio K.A-4ever, goodnight.

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  • Avatar of tico1125


    [27]Dec 6, 2006
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    blackfire_bird wrote:

    Quick reply :

    Letting go simply means that when it comes to the Avatar State, Aang mustn't let any emotions get in the way of his jugment.

    See " The Avatar State" for instance, he nearly killed (or did he )all those earth-kingdom soldiers because he was angry that they'd hurted (not really though) Katara and again in "The Dessert" when they took Appa away.

    To control the Avatar State Aang must totally clear his mind and "let go of earthly attachments" or he will end up like that other Avatar who let his emotions get in the way (yeh, he's dead now!!!)

    .... at least that's what I think, Thank You for listening Radio K.A-4ever, goodnight.

    Good assessment.?? In fact that is probably true because he did hit the Avatar State easily in those instances.?? It is probably the other Chakras that allow him to control the AS.
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  • Avatar of MCMLXVI


    [28]Dec 6, 2006
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    Fear, guilt, shame, grief, delusion, illusion, grounding-- clearing them is not a one-and-done thing. For as long as you live, challenges will appear on the path to enlightenment. The road is clear, but the path is sloppy. Don't let the sloppiness trap you.

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  • Avatar of tico1125


    [29]Dec 6, 2006
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    Bingo MCMLXI.
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  • Avatar of AppaFan1000


    [30]Dec 6, 2006
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    Great topic. I also agree with a lot of things said already. In addition, the 'letting go' notion was proven in the finale. Aang looked over at Katara fighting against impossible odds but in order to enter the avatar state he had to let her go. I am thinking it has more to do with putting the needs of the many before the needs of the one. Aang has to be willing to give up everything to enter the avatar state with control. But, it would seem unless he is using the AS, his love for Katara is still strong (take the ending as they were flying off an Appa). In order for Aang to control the AS, he must complete focus. Katara understands this it would seems as she began crying when she realised what Aang was doing when he went into the AS (she wasn't crying out of anger or fear due the slight smile on her face). Love can make us stronger but it can also make us very vulnerable. Always remember, anger, fear, jealousy, etc lead to the dark side young apprentice.

    On the other side, the AS didn't really do much good this time as it seems Azula has done a bit of homework. She knew very well when to strike to accomplish her goal, the death of the avatar.

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