Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
cg_619 wrote: |
mine??are katara and zuko?? 1st let me say i am not a zutara fan im on team kataang all the way but the reason im a katara fan because shes brave and powerful and she looks out for everyone in the gang??and the reason i like zuko is because hes just??discovering his life agian?? and hes not evil he just wants everything back to normal but i hope in????season 3?? he will switch sides and will teach aang firebending |
Taang_Forever wrote: |
1. Toph. (Love the eyes, the hair, the attitude, and the whole daredevil-thing she has going on) 2.Azula. 3. Cabbage man. 4. Sokka/ Zuko/ some other charatcers. 5. Foam mouth guy. |
zuko, iroh, katara, sokka, toph, momo and appa.
ginsengtea9 wrote: |
MELON LORD! zuko, iroh, katara, sokka, toph, momo and appa.
picaboomman wrote: |
zuko katara azula sokka bumi iroh suki toph ty lee cabage guy foaming mouth guy aang is in the bottom of the list |