What if in the not so distant future, due to the enormous popularity of the Avatar, they'd make a live action movie for it??? What actors/actresses would you consider perfect for the roles of the Avatar characters??? I know that the setting is distinctly asian, but for the sake of discussion, just let your imaginations run and give your opinion, be it asian, american or even... gasp... british actors (heheheh avatar characters with british accents ).??
You don't have to give their exact names, considering not all of us can memorize it, just point out an actor playing a character in a movie??and state??which avatar??character??he/she would be perfect??as.??For example, you could say that girl in Uptown girls would be perfect??as Toph.?? Just dye her hair black, give her green contacts and poof!
Questions, comments, reactions expected.??
Praises welcomed.??
Violent reactions ignored.